Active Visualization

And it was good. All we are constantly using their imaginations, and whatever you may imagine this process, it is perfect exactly as obtained in vas.Esli you still still not understand what it means to visualize, read the following exercises, then close your eyes and try to do them: Close your eyes and relax completely. Think of you familiar room, such as your bedroom or living room. Remember the familiar details, such as the color of the carpet, as arranged furniture, such as lighted room. Imagine that you walk into a room and sit in a comfortable chair or lie down on krovat.Teper remember anything pleasant, going on with you lately, it's better that causes the physical sensations: how do you eat something tasty, like you do the massage as you swim or anything from the area of love. Remember this moment as much as possible clearly and once again enjoy the pleasant sensation. Now imagine that you are in some nice place, relaxing on the soft green grass near a cool stream or wade in a beautiful thick forest.

This may be the area where you have already visited, or the ideal place where you want to go. Imagine every detail, creating them as you wish. Whichever way you could not create in his imagination, these paintings this is your way of 'rendering'. There are two different ways to use creative visualization. One – the passive, the other – is active. In the passive we just relax, allowing the images and impressions to come to us, and we do not choose their items, we take what comes. In active mode, we consciously choose and create what we want to see or imagine.

Both methods are an important part of creative visualization, and your active abilities and skills of perception to grow, as lessons. It is important to relax. Another very important rule for creative visualization – it is important to fully relax. When the body and mind are relaxed, electric activity of neurons in the brain changes and slows. This deeper, slower level is usually called the alpha level, and many current studies are based on its effects (whereas the usual active consciousness called beta-level). Alpha level is such a state of consciousness that brings health from a relaxing effect on mind and body. And it turns out to be much more effective than the active beta-level, changes in the so-called objective world by means of visualization. In practical terms, this means that if you learn deep relaxation and visualization, you can effectively change your life, what would This is done through meditation, anxiety, plans and attempts to manipulate things and people. If you are accustomed to any particular way to achieve relaxation and calm state of meditation, you necessarily need to use it. Or try the method proposed here. Take a comfortable position and imagine, starting with the toes and ending with his head, alternately relaxing all the muscles of your body, imagining how things voltage goes out of you. Belly breathing deeply and slowly. Count from 10 to 1, with each score of feeling more relaxed. Undoubtedly, additional benefit of deep relaxation is its recreation the impact on the mind, and telo.Osobenno good deal of creative visualization in the evening before bedtime, or the morning after waking, since at this time the mind and body are usually already deeply relaxed and receptive. May spine, and it will be easier to reach the alpha level of consciousness.