It is difficult to mensurar, in the current days, where the paper of an Administrator could not be exerted. It is indispensable to say that, in any company, for minor who is, a manager enabled to giving a necessary aiming to it becomes necessary; this capacity then is worked in the courses of graduation and specialization of the administrative area, so that it does not happen again what it was common in the past: due to lack of enabled Administrators, professional of diverse areas (without being administrative) they occupied positions of management in organizations. It is for this and other reasons that the market of today, extremely competitive, waits to catch more able professionals each time, who can develop abilities throughout the time, and that, mainly, ' ' they learn aprender' ' , collaborating for the organization of which they are part and, going beyond, they can also contribute for its personal development. A to be questioned point is: why in the current days, exactly with the quality each time bigger aggregate in the courses of graduation in Administration, and all the basement that if constructs in definitive courses in the area, many Administrators loses its places for professionals of other areas, as Lawyers, Doctors, and Engineers? Perhaps the reply for this question she is very subjective to be answered in some lines of an article, but what if subentende is that lacks some thing that the Administrators not yet are making, or better, they are leaving to make. In the theory and the practical one, it is possible to describe with clarity the true paper of the Administrator in Brazil? It has differences between the two? Leaving of this estimated if it makes necessary to have conscience of what the Administrator of today will be able to make daqui for ahead reverting this situation, a time that, as well as the Lawyer, the Engineer, and many other professionals, its paper also it is basic for some sectors of the Brazilian economy, that is what it puts into motion of some form our businesses and our country. .