Board Robert Leicht

The concept of studying personality education contains what would a man to master his life, mainly banalities to overcome challenges and to make perhaps even something valuable? Wanted the laid in Dusseldorf > Wirtschaftsblatt < “lead the most famous school in Germany”, the Chairman of the boarding school Salem, Robert Leicht, and its at that time still future Director, Bernd Westermeyer, know. The succession question is overly worried many family businesses. Will of their own offspring be able to lead the family business successfully in the future? How can the Junior Chef / the Deputy Manager prepared the special challenges of a business career? Reason enough for an organ of the middle class economy, to inquire what boarding school education can contribute to the positive development of personality with the representatives of a famous boarding school. The result is disappointing. What qualities in the economy were asked and how they they develop could know would actually even better leaders and trainers as the emissaries from the pedagogical province on Lake Constance. Because normally request profiles be developed in the company, and the schools is not accused without reason often, that their graduates meet this less and less.

School Board Robert Leicht and headmaster Bernd Westermeyer as representatives of the “German elite boarding school par excellence” (Stuttgarter Zeitungung), which rejects the attribution to train an elite, as “disturbing” and at the same time nourishes this impression and encourages, have the bottom line not much more to offer than non-committal rhetoric. Headmaster Westermeyer, changed from a State high talented high school in Salem, opts for boundless pedagogical optimism. He was the young man first developed self-confidence from managing requirements, “to qualified, almost everything to make, if he shows the will and pursued an idea”. School Board light is, however, on the modest team player. He should “not even in the way” stand and the people with whom he should solve problems, “not use to inflate his ego”. Stick hard selection of the best, like an elite school actually, is expected to find anything here.

Walters wants instead to his eleven “Give certainty, that you always fall back on, if they stumble.” It was “quite natural even to fail.” Cuddly pedagogy? But no. With “certain hardship” to confront the Salem eleven already by “A real picture of the world experience” let. That go “with the very mundane things of in life: with pain, fatigue, hunger, with empathy and camaraderie things that you find in books or movies…”. Young people who know fatigue, hunger, thirst and compassion only from books and movies? Apparently a studying of luxury problem. “Students who today grow up in a multinational boarding”, Walters turns out now the special value of the Salem education “learning in this social community all” “what businesses need today: teamwork and internationality, but also the assertiveness of an individual to the group.” And Robert Leicht brings even more the studying “Experiential learning” in the game, which together lead to “People” in a verifiable situation to their physical limits as a second specialty. That sets off for sleepless nights, in which the entrepreneur mulling, “if he brings enough jobs for its workers or what he does when he has browsed his business”. The school seems Schloss Salem to have browsed your business field. One love to the young of medium-sized family business. But can convince a personality education for Salem concept?