
Fix your eyes on pieces of words, following the “sound” of them.

Our ability to raise is, however, much higher than that and we can, with basic training, capture complete sentences in each setting of the hearing. 7. Learn more at this site: Richard Linklater. You lose concentration. Very often, the reader passes inefficient lapses of concentration and, typically, reaches the end of a paragraph or page only to realize that his eyes went through the text, but remembers nothing. This continuous loss of concentration, this disconnection of the text is a direct result of inefficient and slow to read.

8. Lee recently. Most readers eschew inefficient read. Do not read on their own and what they have read to their studies or professional development, not read it. Looking for excuses, abstracts, whatever, but try not to read, he realized that the time it will take will be huge and the fruit of the effort is tiny. Even readers who love reading inefficient acknowledge that not everything you would want to read read and left without finishing many books. 9. It has little vocabulary. Most of the vocabulary and dominates a person gains obtained by way of reading. Other activities such as watching television and listening to the radio, they do little vocabulary, as is done with the minimum of words to ensure that a broad audience with very different levels of education understand the programs and advertisements.