Continuous Analysis

Plato shows with estahistria that must be learned to reason and to think for yes exactly, and to noacreditar in everything where ‘ ‘ all poderoso’ ‘ it places for thousand of people que’ ‘ aquilo’ ‘ it is the certain thing. The Philosopher invites asociedade to leave the comodismo, instead of always finding everything this certain, porexemplo, finding that Brazil and the world are in excellent conditions, politics, social, educational, economic, cultural, etc to look for, to search, to think, that is, to leave of being plus an ignorant and really to leave dedentro the cave, if to raise of the sofa, the front of the TV, and to coisasacontecer to make them. Necessary Asociedade of humanitarian people, not egoistic people, people to quequerem> optimum for itself exactly and the others; individuals with moral ethics, quese respect mutually, that they fulfill its obligations and they demand its rights. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Richard Linklater and gain more knowledge.. Masquando if enters in the reality of the society, notices that the world is another one, leaves of side, basic and basic values and principles, and dives fictitious, imaginary emobjetos, with the power to establish that ‘ ‘ aquilo’ ‘ he is ocorreto, with the duty of awaking that ‘ ‘ aquilo’ ‘ it is necessary for suasobrevivncia; nor if wants exists a human being that questions fragilidadedaquela information. Everything this if caracterizao fear, that according to definitions, ‘ ‘ it is a feeling that provides to a state dealerta demonstrated by the distrust to make some thing, generally for if sentirameaado, in such a way physically as psicologicamente’ ‘ , that is, ‘ ‘ all poderoso’ ‘ with its strong argument, it obtains to transform false information ideological, false principles, false behaviors and other attitudes, as true. Porisso the importance of the Education in society, that is cited in the workmanships the Repblicae the Laws, of the Plato Philosopher, who stops drawing an ideal state, is to necessriopassar for a level of basic preparation, that will develop of form harmoniosao spirit and the body, becoming thinking, formadores of opinions and comargumentos to face ‘ ‘ all poderoso’ ‘ , the fear to leave the cave, daclaridade that dims it vision, at last, to make solid a questionadora mind..