Starting for the dispute in the ingression of public universities without the necessity of quotas, that more they discriminate that any another thing. It is clearly that it is not only enough to equip the schools with computers to promote all this revolution, but is necessary to teach and to enable of time professors to deal with this new reality. Perhaps the digital inclusion is the solution that always was looked to stimulate the country route to so dreamed development. 2. Digital inclusion the digital inclusion must express a concept that locks up a consideration deeply humanist. The world contemporary is in a state of transformations and the possibilities of deterioration of the relations human beings so become gifts, that the rescue of certain values ' ' half adormecidos' ' , in the eagerness of the technological and purely economic development, it needs to be considered. The digital inclusion must be seen under the ethical point of view, being considered as an action that will promote the conquest of ' ' citizenship digital' ' will contribute for a igualitria society, with the expectation of the social inclusion.
It is possible, therefore, to formulate a conceptual base for digital inclusion, with bedding in the spirit of universal ethics. Data that digital inclusion is part of the phenomenon information, in the context of the call society of the information, can be observed by the optics of the science of the information. In this direction, it is understood, as starting point of the concept of digital inclusion, the access to the information that is in digital ways e, as arrival point, the assimilation of the information and its rework in new knowledge, having as desirable consequence the improvement of the quality of life them people. 3. Because Quality in the Education Is necessary to recognize that the education is only capable to knock down the wall of the inaquality and it delay.