The education goes entering in compliance with this age of changes and is guided to more construct sharpened laborers for works in the industries, specialists for the diverse companies whom if they install in its regions, young if forms in the purpose of the technological reproduction, and feels this necessity, therefore propaganda makes the after-modern them thus, miditicas ideologies transmitted public with the function to maneuver to perfazer on a large scale consuming, individuals appropriate for the new fashion and with necessities to have and or to know to handle the industrial products, as the computer, tablet, the cellular one, i-pad; i-pod? when is about thinkers? Critics? What they reflect? Then the majority of the educational resumes of this time is not imported with this detail, the motto now is to develop, to finish with the technological delay and to search possible fastest the independence financial, predominating in this period of training the instrucionismo, about which if it guides not to think very, therefore it is propagated that thinking and reflecting critically it causes the delay in the development of the professionalism and can cause the unemployment, therefore the individuals are stimulated to learn to use the technology and for this an education is necessary technician and acrtico, therefore everything already is preset, is alone to learn to handle and reproducing. To broaden your perception, visit Campbell Soup Co. The school technique very spread out in the present time having ones of the reasons brevssima explanation given previously we have education basic that it withholds the biggest number of contrasts between professors with old pedagogical traditions and the pupils with these new behaviors after-modern with the problematic one of the teach-learning if intensifying from not the absorption of contents on the part of the pupils, therefore ask many which true purpose of concepts that is not in tune with the world in which they are living, if does not have no utility then so that they are there and they finish emptying the classroom leaving the desolate professor and without knowing what to make, the ignorant professor of some theory, says now if, pedagogical technique in which obtains the attention and the interest of the pupil in its disciplines if it sees frustrate, if it feels incapable to transmit its knowledge causing many times in the desistance of the profession, therefore the school of socializador matrix now if places unprepared for such situations, and is in this democratic context with new aptitudes and wills that appear debates that they look to cure this pertaining to school deficiency, amongst these debates the searching Nvoa educator (2001) it applies a paradigm that inside points out the professor of the life of the pupil, as a psychologist who wants to socialize it, a cultural protector, if involving in the trams of the history of the pupils holistic and adaptando the values and beliefs to the contents of its it disciplines of form that the pupil obtains to have attention and pleasure to learn, if penetrating in the learning personality individually, for the words of Nvoa knowing the exclusive identity of the pupil the professor will be able to work in such a way in accord of the world where it lives how much in relation to the scientific knowledge.. (Not to be confused with Nike Sneakers!).