In schools increasingly child expression with problems of behaviour or disruptive behavior will listen more to refer to those students who demonstrate problems of adaptability to the Education Center to present challenging behaviors, abuse other children, clashes with teachers, absenteeism, etc. In this article, he will try to explain what is disruptive behavior, what are their characteristics, what motivates bad behavior and what teachers can do to help these students overcome their difficulties. What is the disruptive behavior? It is any conduct that impedes the order and discipline in the school and the educational welfare of students schooled in it. The most common problems that occur are: fights, seeking attention, refusal to work, disobedience and incidents in the courtyard. The most difficult problems are: persistent provocation, distant parents, game sites, abuse and the dumb insolence. In addition there are a number of emotional difficulties that may alter the social relationship that establishes a student with their classmates and teachers: the perception of lack of affection, social isolation, prolonged sadness, the sense of personal failure, feel marginalized or abuse.
We must remember that the pursuit of autonomy and the construction of identity, as opposed to what is established, is one of the characteristics of adolescent development. There are two ways of referring to that student who misbehaves: to) violent students: expression that puts the emphasis on the violent nature of the society; and (b)) students with behavior problems: an expression that puts the emphasis on the students themselves. Experts say that we can find four dimensions that help us to understand what happens in the world of the students at each school:-the participation of the students; -its identification with the educational objectives and the educational institution; -established internal standards; and – the structure of social relations. Why they misbehave students with behavior problems? According to alvaro Marchesi, students with emotional and behavioral are wounded students who try to protect themselves and feel important, that need help: are emotional illiterates.