Educational Plan

Figure 1 shows the map of the subdivision of the administrative regions in the Bahia. Figure 03 – Map of subdivision of the administrative regions of the water and the hidrogrficas basins of the State of the Bahia detaching the area of subprojeto 1.5. Source: Manual of Grant (1997). 1.4.2 Socioeconmica characterization According to last demographic census of the Bahia carried through for the IBGE in the year of 2000 the population of the region of Irec approximately corresponds to a percentage of 3% of the population of the State, 372,944 inhabitants, occupying an echoing area 4.6% of the territory, 26.155Km2, integrating a set of 19 listed cities previously (IBGE, 2000). (Not to be confused with KDP!). 1.4.3 Education the educational system regional this structuralized in four levels, the preschool one, basic education, average and superior education, distributed in pertaining to school state, municipal and private establishments. Table 01. It presents the average and percentage of school registrations for education level Source: SEI/CAR? Statistical yearbook of the Bahia? 2000.

The school registration in the municipal net that in 2000 was of 8538 pupils (including education average. Credit: Richard Linklater-2011. In 2003 they had been registered 10,030 pupils, without the pupils of average education, a time that this modality of education started to be responsibility of the state administration. (LDB 9394/96). The total of pupils registered basic education it suffered an evolution accented from 1997, had to the effective commitment of the new municipal management with the education, and to break 1998 with the creation of the FUNDEF. In the measure where we need to place in the Educational Plan of the City the questions in a scale of priorities, two basic signallings had been pointed with respect to this priorizao: the proper reality (and the available resources, its possibilities and limitations), and the profile of citizen whom if it intends to take care of. The city possesss currently, in its municipal net 18 schools in urban zone and 16 in the agricultural zone, totalizing 34 schools.