That is success? you would say that is the result of multiple failures to achieve the expected results. The success when it occurs is because it is the result of a series of failures, obstacles, errors, which only managed to overcome them reached the goal. Working with women and men have come to a conclusion that people does not fail but that they leave too easily their goals their dreams before reaching its objectives surrenders before time, you think that you can get results from the evening to the morning. They are considered losers. But that is the failure? The failure is an indicator that tells us that the strategies we are using until now, are not the most appropriate to the goal line.
Failures do not have power over us, we goal ourselves grant discourage us, feel bad and get to the point of abandoning power is. If we fail in achieving our goal, lets do it again, as many times needed but never surrender!Don’t leave the boat before strive to reach the goal.If presents a negative attitude which weakens up to the point of wanting to relinquish dele turn that weakness and comviertala into a fortress. You must never think about the consequences of failing if it pienza in she will be waiting for a negative result I play to win. Do you know that it is the failure? It is not try it, do what well could have done big in small. It is not to conquer your dream, your vision. It is not the mistake to transform into Fortress.
Not this linked wing luck success but the I exfuerzo, why the success does not appear by chance have to search for it, fight it and get it.. The failure is not subject to bad luck but the wrong election. The formula antifracaso is a well-defined purpose.Just so you can see failure as a transient situation and momentanea.Create your own definition of success and does not rest until it is reached. Use the failures to overcome them and grow as people with a life project. Success in life consists in becomes what one wants to be keep in mind these tips to make your life successful and succeed 1.Creatividad: generate thoughtful and creative ideas and real. 2-Freedom: He know how to listen, by that lets you discover new tools that take him to imnovar. 3:Tecnologia: is a very important tool dediquele time and money, capacitece is not left behind. Overcome fears all lossere human are in search of unamejor quality of life, why must tenr care not to fall into the error of missed opportunities by fear to face rejection failure.Take care when your mouth out expressions such as this do not encounter outputs to my situation, have No money to start, I’m not sure on the goal, I have No one to help me, believe EU my product is not good not sure sell something. When you have negative feelings as a result of a rejection, try to remember the positive results that had in the past. Use these experiences to boost their self-esteem. It is a part of the Ebbok gotta succeed Martha de Socorro Zapata Pinzon Psychologist author original author and source of the article