Magazine Academic Space

Hierarchically, they are below, only, of babalorix or yialorix, being respected same for these (AZEVEDO, 2009, p.56). Another subject that excites controversy is what it concerns to the sex and the sexuality. The sexual abstinence before and after some rites giving itself why the energy that the body emits during the sexual activity is very intense, being able to unchain aspects in such a way positive, how much negative. During the act, mdium, beyond losing much energy, runs the risk to enter in contact with energies unbalances that it. However, the sexual activity is natural and it could never be tachada of unprincipled person. Thus, this period of abstinence serves to keep the energies in balance (ORPHANAKE, 1995, p.46-47). In umbanda, when it is said in sexuality, is not being said in sort, but in feminine essences, masculines and. It has certain functions essentially played by men, others for women.

However, the essence is not on the sort or to the sex, therefore precedes it them. She has men with feminine essence, who emanate and concentrate this energy, I also oppose and it if of. Therefore umbanda does not have restriction some the presence of homosexuals in its cults, therefore for it what it matters is the spirit, the essence, not it meat (AZEVEDO, 2010, P. 139-141). The use of the alcohol and the tobacco in the rituals is necessary, therefore it has certain energies that they only can emanate. The alcohol serves as combustible, for producing great energy.

It helps in the maintenance settles of it, opening the doors of the subconscious mind. The tobacco has equalized importance. However, the use of these must be limited, to prevent problems. But, as this also is a doctrinal question, each house has proper position (AZEVEDO, 2010, p.133-134). In the present time many courses exist with aim at to teach to the several ‘ ‘ practical of umbanda’ ‘ , however the form wisest to understand and to absorb the basic values for good practical the religious one is living deeply the religion. Being that the indoctrination method, that umbanda inherited of African the rejection the verbal transmission (AZEVEDO, 2009, p.56). For AZEVEDO: … no human being, especially with respect to deuses, is detainer of any universal truth. The truth that in the league to transcendente is only true only inside of our souls (2010, p.11). At last, that can be concluded that umbanda is a Brazilian religion, that if guides in an only God, in the cult to orixs and ancestral espritos, uses of the mediunidade to make to happen: the charity, the fraternity and the respect to the next one. It receives to all, without distinction of race, sex, social classroom Its main virtue, the charity. its law, of the return.