From this thought the individual is considered only as an one part great gear and its individual participation would not have great representation in the social organization, not to be to fulfill a definitive and controlled function for the norms dictated for the society. Max Weber: also one of the classic founders of sociology is considered and exerted great influence on social sciences from the decade of 1920. Differently of Durkheim, Weber recognizes the action of the individual on the society and this for it would be the addition of all the actions human beings. The society then would have to be understood to break action of the individuals and would be influenced by them. In accordance with Weber the existence of the society is conditional to these individual actions, from there the necessity to understand the direction of the social action from the values beats and of the motivation of the individual.
Karl Marx: Idealizer of the communism and the socialism contested the capitalist society, considering a social transformation with the objective to create a society without classroom division and with rights equal for all the collective, for this the diligent classroom, in accordance with it, would have to be organized to revert this situation and thus to surpass the exploration and the inaqualities. It questioned the enrichment of the bourgeoisie by means of the force of the worker, who was submitted to an ideology hindered that to perceive it its real condition. Thus mere instruments of exploration became of that it withholds the economic power and politician in the hands. With the enrichment, the bourgeoisie also got the control of the State, that is, the control politician, through which she created laws to protect the private property in order to remain itself in the power, while the proletariat remained in favorable conditions to its economic establishment and politician.