Modality Adult Young Education

Luckesi (1994, P. 21) argues: The education is one practical human being directed for one determined theoretical conception. Practical the pedagogical one is articulated with a pedagogia, that nothing more is that a philosophical conception of education. Such conception commands the elements that direct practical the educational one Thus fit to the educators, in special, the responsible ones for the destinations of the pupils of the EJA, to decide for new practical pedagogical a capable one to take care of to the educational challenges of century XXI. 3 – CONCLUSION Perceives then that the elements that direct practical educational ideal for century XXI, contained in the four pillars of the education suggested by Jacques Delors and also by the minister Pablo Renato Souza fully are contemplated in the transforming conception of Luckesi.

But, inside of this promising and necessary proposal educational, which the impediments that make it difficult the life, future gift and of the registered diligent pupils in the EJA? To this questioning, it is not difficult to answer: – The contradictions of the LDBs in the education process and learning; – The contradictions of the CLT with its rigorous horria load of work. In the truth, they are words and action proposals that demand of these instruments (LDBs and CLT) that in the practical one they are not accomplished, at least with quality. Contradiction is ' ' incoherence between what one says and what was said, between words and aes' '. REFERENCES ARROYO, Miguel Young Education of Adult: a field of rights and public responsibility. Belo Horizonte, MG: Authentic, 2006. General meeting of United Nations.

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