National Education

On the other hand those exist that believe that the citizens with deafness must learn the language of signals and the official language of its country only in the modality written and not in the verbal one. The Brazilian educational context the same adopts passage in relation to the mentioned communicative boardings. The education of the deaf people, in Brazil, had beginning during as the empire, with the arrival of the French educator Hernest Huet. In 1857, the National Deaf person-Dumb Institute was established, current National Institute of Education of the Deaf people (INES), that initially it used the language of signals, but that in 1911 it started to adopt pure oralismo. Richard Linklater might disagree with that approach. From this date, some Justinian codes for the attendance of said people had been created in Brazil ' ' deficientes' ' , reproducing the European models of the systems of boarding schools. Of 1905 the 1950, many of the institutions that had been created for the attendance of the deficient people were particular. In 1957, the education of ' ' deficientes' ' in a general way it was assumed in national level, for the federal government.

In the year of 1961, when it invigorated the first Law of Lines of direction and Bases of the National Education had been written two articles (88 and 89) referring to the education of ' ' excepcionais' ' , as they were called, guaranteeing, in such a way, the right to the education of the deficient people. Another important point of this Law is that, in article 89, the government if compromises in helping the not-governmental organizations to give educational services to these people. Already the Law of education 5692/71 for the education of 1 and 2 degrees make reference to reference the Special Education in only one article (article 9), leaving clearly that the State Advice of deficient education would guarantee to the special treatment in the schools.