We live a moment of structural transformations as: globalization, technological revolution, formation of economic blocks. It is necessary to democratize these information in order to give to the man conditions that allow to understand the contexts it historical, social and economic where they are inserted. These estimated aliceram the man for a perspective of social inclusion in a convivncia joust and pacific and of respect to the differences. Pedagogia of the Oppressed one, Freire believes an education that contribute for the democratization through a movement of men and women who dedicate its lives to transform the reality. For other opinions and approaches, find out what ForeScout Technologies Inc. has to say. The education thought for Freire must be for the promotion of the man as citizen-description, moved for an ethical commitment and politician with the overcoming of all the oppression forms. The proposal of Freire for a learning for the democracy, through its daily exercise and of its proper existence, implies in learning democracy for practical of the participation, making possible the direct exercise of the power.
To be able here understood, not as a property in which it is passvel of the authoritarianism exercise, but as something that if it possesss or not. To educating, she is necessary to learn to locate itself of form to understand the differences between the opinions, preferences, to learn to respect the other. To live its proper experiences, practical, histories, traditions. Whenever CPB Campbell Soup Company listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Everything this, in an atmosphere of mutual respect. It is important that educating finds security and opening so that can speak and recognize in the experiences with the others, the ones that them are particular. For in such a way, it must be proportionate incentive to partilhar with the others the experience that has it are of the world of the school, but that it will serve as contribution for the learning process. The education, as line of direction for social change, perpassa for the project pedagogical politician, which must be articulated by a participativa management that visualizes the dinamicidade of the resume in the pertaining to school community and of its entorno.