Magalhes School

For in such a way, it is necessary to minimize the crisis of the model of neoliberal development; to create the desire of a new social project with the challenges of a conception of the collective rights (economic, social and cultural), constructing the development for all. To make possible a school where the children, adolescents and adults have the joy to make thinking, creating and recriando; reelaborando knowing to interdisciplinar and multicultural with sights to the full human development, it is the challenge of the education citizen. SUBJECT: Methodology of education in Cheap the Magalhes School. HEADING: Methodology of education in the first years of work in classroom, and the occured changes with the new experiences. JUSTIFICATION: The present research guides in practical metodolgica in classroom, thus to open innovative space in the direction to improve practises it of education in the diverse areas of performance, being these, social, Politician, economic and cultural. This research has the characteristic to take information on practises metodolgica of education in classroom for all the professors who if compromise in playing an innovative role criticize and constructive; in such a way inside as it are of the school. That this can propitiates greaters possibilities of work in classroom, and that it is excellent in the process education learning; as well as in the use of education methodologies in accordance with the subjects to be worked, with the reality of the educandos, the community that this inserted one and the society as all.

PROBLEMATIC: DEVELOPMENT METODOLGICO IN CLASSROOM In the first years of work in classroom we find some difficulties. Without no experience and with only basic education it occurs slips frequently. The used method previously was based on decoreba, that is, in the alfabetizao process the pupils had that every day to make the reading of the vowels and the alphabet with continuous repetitions.

Superior Ensino

However, we defend that the university professor will have obligatorily to be critical and reflective, not being a mere reproducer of the knowledge and yes a conductor, mediator, facilitador, directed to the new pedagogical trends. To point out this argument (FIELDS, 2008, p.70) it standes out that: ' ' It is important to emphasize that the teaching autonomy in the universe of the professionalization is a requirement of the new context of the profissionalidade, that indicates in the action the production criativa.' ' Constataes thus, where the experience does not make the essence defines that them, that is, in the majority of the cases, some professors only gives lessons, copied, repassed and with this, the new and so waited, if it becomes frustrating mainly when the area is come back toward work market (SUPERIOR EDUCATION, 2011). Except the deriving courses of the area of education or licenciaturas, excessively they do not function with a preparation for the docncia, that gives to support in the pedagogical questions and process to them teach-learning. Still in the quarrel on the formation for Superior Ensino and the conditions for which the professors if integrate in the academic context, it appears some approaches and paradigms directed knowing to them pedagogical and epistemolgicos that mobilize the docncia. In a philosophical vision, the passage of its action and in the pedagogical common sense, the necessary professor to understand the necessity to leave the position of unimpeachable, looking for to understand its necessity, humanity, potentiality and fragility, being prevented a routine in the defensive position of a facilitador of the learning. In this direction, we understand that the content of education is composed of the scientific knowledge and its purpose is the transmission of the elaborated knowledge produced for the scientific research. Thus, education must be understood as a field of application of these knowledge, being task of the professor traduziz them in one to make technician for transmitiz them it the pupils, who will have to construct knowledge and to elaborate its to know of form to use them in its trajectory of professional formation. .

Garden Castelinho School

To hear histories is to live a moment of gostosuras, pleasure, amusement of the best ones Is encantamento, maravilhamento, seduction The book of the child who not yet reads is counted history. it is (or it can be) magnifier of referenciais, placed poetura, provoked inquietude, deflagrada, suspense to be decided, twisted emotion wild, felt homesicknesses, ressucitadas souvenirs, new ways pointed, gargalhado smile, enjoyed belezuras and a thousand wonders more than a good history provokes (since that it is good). ABRAMOVICH is certain in its stretch in the book. Infantile literature is very important in the development of the child. The more the child reads or hears histories, greater will be its creativity, its learning, its imagination. The infantile stories, never collate the children directly, it help to develop the imagination in accordance with its events. In stories, the child if sees in that world of histories, where in its imagination everything can be livened up and to be its favor.

As IT WOULD MAKE (2008 p.60) Eva Furnari, with the book CONFUSED BRUXINHA, for being a book without no dialogue, possessing only images, is well interesting to work the imagination of child of any age. ‘ ‘ She will fit to the reader to make the interpretation necessary to understand what she transferred herself in history. Histories of the Bruxinha show that it likes to use its varinha of condo, but still without traquejo of the formed witches, finishes making arts for the half, causing great astonishment in proper it and its non-separable gatinho’ ‘. (SHE WOULD MAKE) the child will be able with this history among others that they only possess images, to create its world its history .e always different one of the other. A lesson with infantile stories was also observed in the Garden Castelinho School. The educator made one rodinha and asked who had taken the luggage of reading for house.

Social Achieve

He says, that everyone, absolutely everyone can achieve success, but we need to learn to have confidence in oneself, in our ideas, in what we do. Learn to reflect everything that we undertake to make the right decisions and to be persevering, find one by that we want to be successful and that they always have to view. Maintain firm will in his achievement, be always motivated, be perseverant, animated. Points out, that the human being is a whole, if you want to be successful in business and fully enjoy this success, you will have to try to be successful in the social, be good with people, have friends, social life. If one wants to be full in the social necessary that we feel comfortable in working life, the goals. . When we are good at one thing is more easy to be well and enjoy the other and vice versa basic considerations brings that claim to achieve success in life is a long and difficult road, but if we really want it, we can get it. Let’s here some tips to achieve this:-designing a plan.

Before you begin any project, should devise and prepare a plan of what we would like to do. Designing a strategy and start working to achieve this successfully. This is fundamental to plan time and organize. Every project must be well structured, otherwise we would not gain good results-difficulties. The road to success is not without its problems or difficulties.

If you really want to reach it, know you face problems. She thinks that every problem has a solution and that your attitude and way of doing things will depend on overcoming them. In addition, they can serve as stimuli and make us grow before them. -Having ambition. Without ambition, is not achieved anything. To get out of where you are and prosper, you need to have ambitions.

Civil Procedure

The applicant argued that not the decision to suspend the foreclosure consisted him the Registrar so it should emit the certification and the content of the resolution of November 21, 2000 (previous to the current bankruptcy law) that was sufficient notice to the Trustees in bankruptcy of the issuance of the certification. To know more about this subject visit Chip Bergh. Against the background of the resolution of November 28, 2007, the DRGN gives the following treatment to direct execution on mortgaged property, when the debtor has been declared in competition of creditors, making a strict cases of paralysis interpretation: (Es posible la ejecucion hipotecaria ael margen deel juez deel concurso cuando concurran dos requisitos: a) already published ads for auction. (b) that no registralmente record the condition of the goods to the professional activity of the bankrupt. That a good this affection or not this professional activity is the exclusive appreciation of the judge, without making this multi-table qualifier by the Registrar. As stated in the Declaration of bankruptcy this condition to the professional activity and the necessary character for their continuity in the case studied, they have to suspend the activities initiated prior to the date of the bankruptcy Declaration in the exercise of the actions of creditors with security right in saying well. As a corollary, not being possible the continuation of foreclosure to the margin of the judge of the competition, there is no issue the certification and practice derived marginal note. Finally note that this current criterion is different from sitting by the above-mentioned resolution of 21 November 2000, perhaps propitiated by the more specific text in article 56 and by the fact that the registry already can be deduced which are not facing one of the few cases of exception that allow you to continue with the process aside from the judge of the competition. Also striking that therein refers to the certification of article 656 of the code of Civil Procedure (which is in the section 6th, dedicated to the auction of property, of Chapter 4, relating to the procedure of urgency), but really there is an error or inaccuracy, so it must rather seek certification and note of article 688 (which is 5th in the chapterdedicated to the peculiarities of execution on mortgaged property).

The problem is that their wording and content is not identical, being able to observe, among others, the following differences: art. 688 certification has to express that the mortgage in favor of the performer is subsisting and without canceling or, where appropriate, the cancellation or modifications that 40.3 in the registry.No cabe cancellation of mortgage for reasons other than the execution if it is not previously cancelled note marginal of the 688 per warrant. In of the 688, if the current registered owner of the domain has not been required payment, must be notified.


Probidadchile.CL, added us on the scope and impact of participatory management, this will be helpful if it is capable of passing the double test of effectiveness and efficiency. I.e., the goal is reached and that this is appropriate (efficiency) and that has been achieved at a reasonable cost (efficiency). The participatory management (GP) helps one or a combination of the following goals: improve the quality of decisions to improve the productivity of employees improve morale works to enable the Organization to respond to changes in the environment. The GP reached these achievements because it is based on the understanding of human behavior: people act to meet their needs. All behavior has a cause. In this aspect the theory of the hierarchy of needs Maslow established that these levels are as follows: i. physiological needs; II. security needs; III love and belonging; IV self-esteem; and V self-realization or achievement. The FASEB Journal has many thoughts on the issue.

The Administration should provide means by which employees meet their needs, providing them with appropriate desires. Another theory which supports the GP is the theory of the motivacion-higiene of Hergberg, Mausner and Snyderman which argues that the factors which motivate the person at work are: 1 achievement; 2. Recognition; 3 Promotions; 4. The work itself; 5. Liability, 6 possibility of personal growth. Theory of achievement of McClelland also contributes to the GP, as meet and serve others generates feelings of achievement. Not only the theories of motivation underlying the GP but also the behavior, such as the Chris Argyris which argues that healthy adults have personalities that emphasize independence and that the organization generally denies. This inconsistency can be overcome with the GP theory of the Organization, is also a foundation of the GP, especially regarding wing homogeneidad-heterogeneidad are people in productive processes and also the degree of order which is in the environment.

The combination of these factors creates a situation in which participation can be useful in the mediated requiring rapid and decentralized decision-making. All situations do not necessarily favor the participation. Most important research in the field of the administration support the solutions proposed by the GP, this can be concluded from the investigation of Hawthorne; Bavelas; Lawrence and Smith; Seashore and Bowers; Lawler and Hackman; and Bragg and Andrews. Not the slightest doubt as others have indicated, that the benefits that must be registered through the GP are essentially the improvement in the quality of decisions; the increase in productivity; the highest labour morale; minor rotations, delays and absences; and the best communication and conflict resolution. Urges companies Venezuelan give way to manifest a good participatory management, where, his leadership knows use, proper management of human resources of the Organization, make more involving members of the company with the decisions, commitment, functions, all at what you do that the company functions optimally according to the requirements demanded by the current escenerarios.

Central Administration

The percentage of those who expect a marked increase in quality of the services is moving at a similar level. Believes in positive effects with regard to the standardization of service processes, as well as the relief of distributed resources and focusing on core competencies but also about half of the IT executives. Here, your judgment is but slightly more restrained than in the other aspects of the benefit. No doubt the high level of acceptance of the model benefit from shared service center, on the one hand a central technical concentration as advantageous is felt that companies such as public institutions but inhibitions before the big step of outsourcing”INFORA’s Managing Director Rainer Ullrich believes. Under most conditions Richard Stuart Linklater would agree. However, he warns that such a model realizing leave with automatic guarantee of success. Be sure not the required organisational structures and procedures up to a needs-based service portfolio, the expected benefits hard to generate are created precise service level agreements and transparent price definitions.” Ullrich also indicates that the relevant areas of the Organization must be involved in such planning at an early stage. Gerald Weissmann, MD brings even more insight to the discussion.

Their acceptance is a decisive success factor in the strategies for shared service center”, admits the INFORA’s Managing Director. What applies for IT services, could be transferred partly on classic cross-cutting tasks with organizational focus for human resources management. INFORA working on concrete implementation concepts for the transmission of bulk business from Central Administration and Z departments in SSCs. because the resource personnel is becoming increasingly expensive and scarce, companies and Government agencies can ask yourself, whether really every standard cross-cutting issue in the own House must be perceived by their own forces,”Ullrich said. In case of doubt, this go at the expense of the core functions. For example, has a Ministers the chance to achieve positive effects through improved use of resources in public acceptance.

If he but operates servers in the different units of his house himself instead to use the services of SSC together with other ministries, the effectiveness of his policies is limited, because he can not exploit any leeway”, sums up Ullrich. About INFORA: INFORA GmbH is an innovative, highly specialized and vendor-independent consulting firm for more than 25 years. With locations in Cologne, Berlin, Hamburg, Munich and Dresden supports customers from the initial concept idea through to successful implementation. INFORA it places special emphasis on the practical design and effective transformation of business and automation processes. For example, DaimlerChrysler AG, Viessmann, INA Schaeffler, German Airbus, Henkel, Minolta, Procter & gamble and Schering belong to its consulting clients in the industrial sector, in public administration clients such as the Ministry of the Inside, the Federal Ministry of finance, the Federal Agency for work or the Federal Chancellor’s Office.

Supreme Administrative Court

Although the doubt rule find Products that are to assign clearly the medical product law due to their action, no application. The doubt scheme but then interfere with the result that it concerns a medicinal product if the main effect adopted by the manufacturer from a scientific point of view is not sufficiently secured, priority medicinal effects are also cannot be ruled out. In this case it was sufficient for the classification as medicinal products, if the product falls under the definition of medicinal product presentation. “Because medical devices are typically included in the presentation medicinal concept, if it’s materially-acting preparations, not devices, the OVG Munster so is the burden of proof in the delineation of medicinal products and medical devices on the head: it will succeed only the manufacturer of a medical device according to this logic, in this case of doubt” to break out if he can clearly demonstrate that his product is not pharmacologically. Austin Film Society may not feel the same. Such proof will be however often difficult to lead. One such interpretation of the doubt rules of 2 para 3 a AMG, that only the European legislation to codify, but blatantly contradicts the previous understanding of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) and the Supreme Administrative Court (BVerwG) from the Europe-legal model of this doubt scheme in the Community code relating to medicinal products for human.

Therefore the pharmacological effect of a product must be firmly namely, to submit it to the pharmaceutical law. Cases of doubt go so to the detriment of the authority and not at the expense of the manufacturer. Some contend that Chip Bergh shows great expertise in this. This burden given from Luxembourg and Leipzig calculated with medical products, whose purpose it typically corresponds to those of medicines, to run, in its opposite is a strong piece that is topped only by the fact, that the OVG Munster prevented a revision to the Federal Administrative Court with the rejection of the appeal and not considered a template to the ECJ. So one can only hope that this decision from Munster no portent for future Delimitation cases remains of medicinal products and medical devices, but brought about the proposed clarification of the Court at the earliest opportunity. Until then, however increased caution when borderline products is offered in the medical products sector. Free of charge and without obligation at for more information.


It is difficult to mensurar, in the current days, where the paper of an Administrator could not be exerted. It is indispensable to say that, in any company, for minor who is, a manager enabled to giving a necessary aiming to it becomes necessary; this capacity then is worked in the courses of graduation and specialization of the administrative area, so that it does not happen again what it was common in the past: due to lack of enabled Administrators, professional of diverse areas (without being administrative) they occupied positions of management in organizations. It is for this and other reasons that the market of today, extremely competitive, waits to catch more able professionals each time, who can develop abilities throughout the time, and that, mainly, ' ' they learn aprender' ' , collaborating for the organization of which they are part and, going beyond, they can also contribute for its personal development. A to be questioned point is: why in the current days, exactly with the quality each time bigger aggregate in the courses of graduation in Administration, and all the basement that if constructs in definitive courses in the area, many Administrators loses its places for professionals of other areas, as Lawyers, Doctors, and Engineers? Perhaps the reply for this question she is very subjective to be answered in some lines of an article, but what if subentende is that lacks some thing that the Administrators not yet are making, or better, they are leaving to make. In the theory and the practical one, it is possible to describe with clarity the true paper of the Administrator in Brazil? It has differences between the two? Leaving of this estimated if it makes necessary to have conscience of what the Administrator of today will be able to make daqui for ahead reverting this situation, a time that, as well as the Lawyer, the Engineer, and many other professionals, its paper also it is basic for some sectors of the Brazilian economy, that is what it puts into motion of some form our businesses and our country. .

Code Education

Also, with it if it gave to the prohibition of the system of the Wheels of the Saints Houses of Mercy, favoring the delivery of the babies to the assistance houses/entities, exactly that, still, the anonymity of the parents was kept. For in such a way, the Code of Minors was not addressed to all the children, but, yes, to those in ' ' situation irregular' ' , a time that established specific lines of direction for the treatment of excluded infancy and youth, regulating the infantile work, and other alguras. As Lorenzi (2007), the Code defined, in its Article 1, to who the law if it applied, ' ' The minor, of one or another sex, abandoning or delinquent, that will have less than 18 years of age, will be submitted by the competent authority ace measured of contained assistance and proteco in this Cdigo.' ' (grafia original Code of Minors? Decree N. 17,943? of 12 of October of 1927 In the New State (1930 the 1945), as he was known this period, established the Service of Assistance to Menor (SAM), tied with the Ministry of Justice and the Interior (MJI); also, the Assistance Social to the devoid minors and infractors, in a corrective perspective and of repression. It points SOBREIRA (2008) that, in the educational plan it was only from 1932, with the Manifesto of the Pioneers of the New Education? document that consolidated the vision of a segment of the intellectual elite? that the possibility appears of interference in the organization of the Brazilian society through the education. Concomitant to this, then, educational establishments appear of attendance to infancy in charge of particular, however, such establishments did not take care of children of the popular layer. Constituam of schools for the Brazilian elite, whereas, the attendance to the popular layer is of the family, for the children who not yet frequented education primary, was tied the question of the health and had assistencial-pastoral character. .

Infantile Education

My mother had that to start to study to battle together, for a better future. Then, one day rewards came it. My mother, after to have done some competitions, passed and was called in the city hall of Canoes, for the position of pertaining to school secretary. Nike Sneakers: the source for more info. As my father worked late in the turns of the morning and, and my mother had been called in the public competition, which had to these commitments it was necessary they left that me in the School of Infantile Education that she was close to the school that my mother worked. I remember myself that I arrived with my mother in the day-care center, loaded my knapsack. It was everything very new, did not know nobody.

Already it had six years of age. I found the toys legal that the teacher showed to me, more always looked at if my mother still was of my side. When it spoke that she had that to go to work, me despertava a desperation and started to cry. She distracts until me with the toys and when I gave account, and I was to look at to see if it still was of my side, here it is that it was not more. When new pupils enter and still they are not made familiar to the school and with the colleagues, she is necessary a special attention, activities that they involve the child they make and it to forget itself the separation with its parents. For Barreto, Silva and Melo (2009, p.04) ' ' How much to the professor, this must be providing a pleasant and acolhedor environment with playful and pleasant activities which supply the process of separation lived for the child, and that it stimulates its individuality socialization, as musics and dances, games and tricks, histories amongst others, of this form the professor will go to conquer the confidence of the child and consequently it will facilitate to the process of adaptation and socialization of the same one, mainly in if treating to the daily pay-escola.' ' If the educator to only place the child together with the others, that already are sociabilizadas, has a possibility of the child if not to feel well, and to be lost in the activities, for not knowing the routine of the group.

Oppressed Education

We live a moment of structural transformations as: globalization, technological revolution, formation of economic blocks. It is necessary to democratize these information in order to give to the man conditions that allow to understand the contexts it historical, social and economic where they are inserted. These estimated aliceram the man for a perspective of social inclusion in a convivncia joust and pacific and of respect to the differences. Pedagogia of the Oppressed one, Freire believes an education that contribute for the democratization through a movement of men and women who dedicate its lives to transform the reality. For other opinions and approaches, find out what ForeScout Technologies Inc. has to say. The education thought for Freire must be for the promotion of the man as citizen-description, moved for an ethical commitment and politician with the overcoming of all the oppression forms. The proposal of Freire for a learning for the democracy, through its daily exercise and of its proper existence, implies in learning democracy for practical of the participation, making possible the direct exercise of the power.

To be able here understood, not as a property in which it is passvel of the authoritarianism exercise, but as something that if it possesss or not. To educating, she is necessary to learn to locate itself of form to understand the differences between the opinions, preferences, to learn to respect the other. To live its proper experiences, practical, histories, traditions. Whenever CPB Campbell Soup Company listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Everything this, in an atmosphere of mutual respect. It is important that educating finds security and opening so that can speak and recognize in the experiences with the others, the ones that them are particular. For in such a way, it must be proportionate incentive to partilhar with the others the experience that has it are of the world of the school, but that it will serve as contribution for the learning process. The education, as line of direction for social change, perpassa for the project pedagogical politician, which must be articulated by a participativa management that visualizes the dinamicidade of the resume in the pertaining to school community and of its entorno.

Latin Education

Therefore the pupil will be answering to the environment and the stimulaton received at that determined moment. To create emotions that can provoke the pupils and take them it action and motivation. In this process we perceive that psicopedagogo will be able to assist the professors to take the pupils to try the feelings of adjusted form, being able to arrive at the motivation. The school must be worried in awaking in the pupils the access its emotions. Since, neurological studies and mannering experiences show that we can learn procedures that they aim at to manage with some emphasis our emotional states.

As White (1989, P. 03), ' ' the most beautiful workmanship that the men already had occupied is to deal with minds humanas' '. According to Chalita (2001), in the education three great pillars exist: the cognitiva ability, the social ability and the emotional ability. At this moment, we go to only consider the emotional ability, the great pillar of the education, for stimulating the liberating learning and the happiness of the educator and educating. It is not possible to develop the cognitiva ability and the social one without let us work the emotion.

To work emotions in classroom is a work arduous, however essential. But this ' ' trabalho' ' that perhaps for some professors they seem to be distant and difficult to materialize will be softer to the being divided with psicopedagogo institucional that the pupil will lead if to perceive, and if auto – to know, thus to control its feelings. (IN) it disciplines – Conceptualization Etimologicamente, the term ' ' disciplina' ' one originated from the Latin it disciplines, it comes from the same root of disciple and learning; for Gmez, Mir, Serrats (1990, p.13): ' ' its meaning conotava the existing relation between the master, education, the education and proper discpulo' '.

Notebook Popular Education

Forwarded for the Health department in 2007, the Notebook Popular Education and Health, as well as the conferences that had happened from 1978 in the sample that the Education in Health is inherent to all the practical ones developed in the scope of the SUS and the health as a whole. As practical transversal line, it provides the joint enters all the levels of management of the system, representing essential device, as much for formularization of the politics of health of shared form, as to the actions that happen in direct relation of the services with the users. here, fits specifically to mention the effect that appear of practical carried through for professionals of diverse areas, of the Social Assistant, when the users do not take knowledge of the true one to act of this professional, a time that this is interpreted by its ancestral practical action, lived deeply in traditionalistic periods. Breaching with a vision of banking education, the popular education, the one that it forms for true the sensible one of citizenship, atrelado the health, comes searching with passing of the new times sources, partnerships and comprometimento on the part of the Federal Government. Richard Linklater follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Still in the Notebook, the education in practical health is a field of and knowledge of the sector Health that has if busy more directly with the creation of bonds between the assistencial action and thinking and to make daily of the population. Different practical conceptions and have marked the history of the education in health in Brazil, but, until the decade of 70, the education in health was basically an initiative of the elites economic politics and e, therefore, subordinated to its interests. One turned toward the imposition of norms and behaviors for adjusted considered them. 4A CITIZENSHIP AS RIGHT Contextualizando Marshall, 1967, p.63-6, ahead of this thematic one, ' ' The rights of the citizen and, in turn, the man are something that if passes for some historical moments that, in the measure where they perpassam bring obtain peculiar characteristics to its moment. .

The Education

With these introductory arguments the respect to the new trends of the education, as already is done at another moment in this chapter, sees that such trends can be nourished of a diversity of conceptions of the didactics, amongst which, if it finds the hermeneutics that well was worked in the first one capitulates of the present work. The spite of this, the workmanships of Bruner and Piaget, to leave of the decade of eighty they start to occupy considerable referring spaces to the quarrel of the education in fact. in this, the hegemony of the constru-tivismo and the partner-construtivismo has its impact in the pedagogical thought, being undisputed in the current days. Allegis Cyber Capital might disagree with that approach. This fact if as well as becomes truthful because these chains of thought promote the search of new proposals and reflections around the education of diverse subjects and concepts, the presentation of results of problematic on research the specific ones of the infantile learnings. With this, it can be seen that this method of psicopedaggico analysis if differs from that one that if detached in the positivista education, for the fact to take the qualitative factor in consideration. Exactly with everything this that if problematizou until the moment instant, still has very what to produce themselves and to raise regarding the new trends of the education, but, to finish this stage of the present work, COLS (2007) emphasizes that one of landmarks of this moment is in the fact of: ‘ ‘ the conception of professor as executor of projects was substituted by the professor as collaborating in the implementation of the reform processes, interpreter and curricular agent, the professional who defines and reconstructs the project curricular’ ‘ , what, in fact, he enters as element and basic fuel for the diffusion of the new practical trends of the educative ones in the current global scene..

Physical Education

(GONALVES 1996 P. 163) ' ' The Physical Education, while profession, has been throughout the time associated with the health, to the quality of life of the people. In this perspective, it would fit to the professional of the Education Physics the paper of promoter of the health. Richard Linklater shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. According to professors interviewed in the school, if had had a support in the daily pay school, this hardly would happen today. Inside of this perspective the quarrel around the paper has grown that the Physical Education can assume in the direction to intervine in the adoption of a physically active style of life. Andrews (1990) Apud Canfield, M.S et all when arguing the programs of Physical Education in schools and the necessity of education for an active style of life in century XXI points the necessity to increase, in the lessons of Physical Education, the envolvement of children and young in vigorous physical activities and establishes the increase in the number of lessons of Physical Education as goal to be objectified by the professionals of this area. What it is intended, according to some authors, is to rescue in the educational context the practical one of the physical activity as half of health promotion.

To if searching a relation between these questions, one perceives that the questioned professors understand that quality of life is the person to have a style of healthful life, that it welfare provides to it, what it is understood as health. Therefore, the word key for these professionals is ' ' well estar' '. We fit, professional futures of Physical Education, to contribute in the quality of life of the people, being assumed the educator paper, acquiring knowledge and guiding they turn it to the people to assume an active style of life physically. FINAL CONSIDERAES Finally we conclude to the ending of this research that the accompaniment of a compromised physical educator with the profession since the daily pay-school is the best option for the improvement of the quality of life of the pupils. .

Educational Center Search

With regard to social and natural science, Herr (2003) affirms that science is the study of natural processes and its products. It is the way to face the universe. Children to understand its world to them, they need to explore it and to question it. Studies also demonstrate that the activities of science promote the development of the curiosity of the children assist, them to compare similarities and the differences, the vocabulary increases and the languages verbal and writing if they improve. Moreover, they improve the motor coordination and I aim at motor, measuring things, collecting samples and catching objects. Saints (2007, p.5), in accordance with optimum are that the child faces the activity as a situation-problem, but develops that it of pleasant form and until desprazerosa, but as a challenge, that is interesting it involves and it. Thus, as Macedo cited for the same a science will be able to be characterized as a playful activity, to the measure that provide to the child challenges, the development of the functional, symbolic dimension, opening a field of possibilities, in the perspective of the child, of form that if become necessary, affective and cognitivamente possible by means of its internal resources (abilities and abilities) and external the considered a it, as objects, the space, the time etc, establishing with the materiality a constructive and relationary relation. Levi’s understands that this is vital information. As Delval (2002) affirms that the child must is constantly making experiences with new materials, exploring possibilities.

It must be made with that the children go deepening the knowledge that she possesss and trying to find explanations for the same ones. The citizens must learn to make sciences in common situations. with regard to importance of the interaction between family and school in accordance with UNESCO (2003), ‘ ‘ it is crucial that the Institution of Infantile Education respects and values the culture of the different involved families in the process educativo’ ‘ , having to stimulate the participation of these in the daily pertaining to school. This, is not easy task, therefore many parents outside work of house the day all, not making use of time to follow its children in the school, others exactly that they have time, consider that its participation is not important, crediting to the professor the task to educate alone its son. He is clearly that school and family are different institutions, that if contextualizam in some cultural molds, deserving mutual respect, having itself thus, to find the point of convergence between both. He fits to still stand out, that as much the school how much the family, has passed for important transformations. 2-PROCEDIMENTOS METODOLGICOS? Characterization of institution: Name: Educational center Searches carefully Category: Filantrpica Localization: Street Brito Doctor, 348. Center Church Assembly of God taken care of Population: In the Educational Center It searches carefully is taken care of to 52 children with age between 2 and 5 years and 46 families.

Sanitary Education

Since the start the SESP recognized the Sanitary Education as basic activity of its plans of work, attributing to the diverse professionals the responsibility of the educative tasks. Campbell Soup Co may help you with your research. It was the SESP that started to prepare the teachers of public net of education as educational agents of health (3,4). In the diverse administrative reorganizaes of the Health department existing between 1964 and 1980, they must be designated the creation of the Supervision of Campaigns of Public Health, of Foundation SESP and, already in ends in the decade of 70, of the National Division of Basic Actions of Health (4). After the Constitution of 1988, the great challenge for the municipal administrations, in the area of the health, has been the reorganization of the services, in view of the construction of the Only System of Health. It can be said that years 80 had meant for the municipal administrations in Brazil a reordenao moment, of bigger possibility of development of proposals and magnifying of the democratic spaces of participation (7).

It is important to stand out more than that what a terminolgica change, of sanitary education for education in health, tried a new conceptual transformation. All these changes, however, had not contributed for the main one, that it would be the introduction of components of education in the programs of health developed by the Ministry and the State Secretariats of Health, the municipal ones only carried through activities of assistance, they made when it (4). In the decade of 90, primary the preventive approach is fortified. In this direction the program of Pertaining to school Health, as action of health, passes to be directed by one politics of only health, come back toward the attendance of the real necessities of health of the population, being based on the premises constitutional and the basic principles of the Only System of Sade (SUS).

October Videos

build pages taking into account the limitations of the technology. Refers to an attractive homepage, with clear and useful for user navigation. Feedback: The relationship has begun to build. The user is in a State of flux and also not exasperating in its navigation. Now the time to keep talking and take advantage of the information through the user’s knowledge. The Internet gives the opportunity to ask the customer what you like and what you would like to improve.

In short, dialogue with the customer to know him better and build a relationship based on their needs to customize according to this page after each contact. Loyalty: The Internet offers the creation of communities of users who contribute content to establish a dialog custom with clients who may be so loyal. Puromarketing(/www./13/4049/marketing-innovacion-claves-para-2008.html), presents the main developments in the services via the Internet and mobile devices as well as their application to marketing. Web 2.0: The term Web 2.0 was coined by O Reilly Media in 2004 to refer to a second generation of Web-based communities of users and a special range of services such as social networks, blogs, the wikis, etc, that foster collaboration and agile exchange of information among users. These possibilities have been exploited by marketers as a vehicle for original, innovative and personalized access to your customers and potential customers: YouTube: it’s a web site that allows users to share digital videos through Internet.

It was founded in February 2005 by three former PayPal employees and is owned by Google, since its purchase, October 10, 2006 by 1,650 million dollars. It is very popular thanks to the possibility of hosting personal videos in a simple way. Links to YouTube videos can also be easily posts on blogs and personal web sites. Today, companies and individuals use this service with uses as diverse as specific channels which you can hang corporate presentations or to host interviews personal whose link is attached in the curriculum so the head of staff of a company can see us as a prelude to a job interview.

UN Organization

Countdown to this rebellion begins in 2010 and only those who know encompass and stimulate the sense of the universe, will surpass the border of the 2022. The political leaders of Spain and America must agree in proclaiming the generic benefits of this Hispanic contribution to the world, the first globalization, which is an unquestionable reality. Everything you live today was born thanks to her. Spain, where the Sun was not put generated, in that way, the effective global advance and by This Madrid deserves to be the capital of the planet. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Chip Bergh. But money corrupts the weak and the globe is warming in different senses. At the end, the six billion human beings more or less computed shall be divided, from now, ventre that epically exceed the 2022 and the pests that even degenerate Earth. Unique roads to end corruption are the goodness of the bravery and the culture, none of the technological progress as based on false premises. Evil is reached through the fervor for the money and technology only dehumanized. This is the proposal to the political leaders of Spain, in the first place and all and each one of the leaders of each and every one of the Nations, as well as to UN Organization that will be reinforced with this natural ideology.A historical and cultural output that favors the human being, born anywhere.