Russian Government

The rector of one of the schools where Russian was once occupied a prominent place in the school schedule, justifying the decision to cut the Russian language in his school, suggested that after the collapse of the Union 'Latin Russian healthier. " Examinations. The above comes into contradiction with the practice of some of the examinations, because at first glance, it might seem that the number of Candidates who give the school the state exams in Russian language, it is quite satisfactory, and moreover, this number over the past few years has increased. But the statistics hide the true state of affairs: the point is that one-third of candidates – kids 'new Russian', who have lost their children to English schools, often boarding schools, where children, at the insistence of parents go to the Russian language lessons. If you are not convinced, visit Marine Biological Laboratory. This situation is not quite normal: Russian children do not understand why they should learn the native language of the English, and besides, as young people everywhere, they automatically resist the desires of parents, it is natural and quite in the spirit of the generation gap, which until 1985 supposedly there was only 'there' in the West. Solution.

The Russian language in British schools is poor. Is it possible to save the day? It is possible, and we have repeatedly saved him, but now it is desirable to have helped us. David G. DeWalt gathered all the information. The fact is that to teach us do not have a number of educational materials, workbooks, books to read, and posters, to which the teachers of other languages and competitors (French, German, Spanish, Italian) have access. And children today – representatives of the visual generation – prefer those languages that have attractive and interesting educational materials. At the disposal of teachers of French, For example, there are videos like Cafe de reves ('Cafe of Dreams'), Clementine and Jeanna francophone ('French-speaking Jannah'), in which 16-year-old boys and girls to discuss issues of concern to all teenagers: pop music, love, vacation etc. Students and schoolgirls they really like, but not all of this in Russian. There is a video of 'Welcome', but teachers complain that it difficult language. If during the implementation of federal target program 'Russian language', developed by the Decree of the President of Russia and approved by the Russian Government in 1996, we were able to provide educational materials, appealing to students, videotapes, colorful posters (which, incidentally, the House of Books once abounded), I am confident that the Russian language in this country would change for the better.