
Academy German POP tells Munich on the 8.8. over training in music and media in Berlin, Cologne and Hamburg the school is in the bag, but where are we going the other way is still unclear to some. Those who are interested in a career in the music and media industry, can inform himself German POP from 14 to 18 pm about occupations in this industry and appropriate training courses on Saturday 8th August at the Academy. The training covers the areas of music, sound, image and management, design, communication and comprises a total of 38 training, based on the current market – from the songwriting to the photo designer. With all the practice, the so-called learning by doing is,”in the Centre.

“You get to already to feel the info days”, the interactive workshops allow insights into everyday Academy. The training courses are oriented to occupational profiles of the industry and provide the required tools to work within the scope of the creative and economic success. The Academy places great emphasis on practice, because in the learning by doing, to learn the best for later professional life”, says Academy Director Christian Woelki. The individual courses include usually four lessons per week. To get tutorials, learning and practice times and practical projects. The Academy of German POP is part of the music support group (shortly msg), which in addition to the vocational education and training many services and products related to music and media from a single source offers (from the studio recording up to the final CD). Will be asked to logon to the information day. Like parents, relatives and friend can be brought. More info, location addresses and registration form: