Secrets Of The Mind-Body

Embrace the secrets of the mind-body connection and build a powerhouse of energy and energy that lead to success in college. The university is a demanding challenge. The role of the physical body is essential for peak performance. This tool allows secret to convene the full measure of our intellectual capacity and talent on demand without hesitation. Study habits and strong academic discipline are most productive when performed by a brain and a body well fueled and precisely tuned. Six key secrets of mind-body performance are nutrition (do’s and don’ts), hydration, exercise, sleep and relaxation.

Secret # 1? Focused Nutrition superior intelligence requires high quality fuel. The brain is fueled by oxygen, hydration and proper nutrition, namely carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are converted into glycogen in the body, fueling the muscles and brain. The brain uses 50% of glycogen available to the body and even more when under stress (like during exams). Despite protein’s reputation as “brain food”, complex carbohydrates are a far superior fuel. Aim for a mixture of 2 / 3 complex carbohydrates and one third of protein in your meals and snacks. The best strategy is to feed the brain to start the day with a breakfast rich in complex carbohydrates and then eat lightly and nutritious’ grazing throughout the day. Be sure to keep the brain well supplied with other “nutrients” means water. Secret # 2? Fall Diet Despite the popularity of low-carbohydrate weight loss plans, one of the largest contributors to poor mental performance is a diet low in complex carbohydrates.