State Education

(Ministry of education (2008) compiled from documents Curriculares, 1st pedagogical meeting) It is based on values established in the political Constitution of the State. Inclusion: in the sense of equality plena integral, students, teachers, administrative, social organizations, parents and the community as a whole participates in all and each one of the processes of the system without restrictions on equal terms. Dignity and respect: multinational system of monitoring, measuring, evaluation and accreditation of the educational quality, carries out its activities within the framework of respect for and enhancement to ideological, cultural, linguistic, legal pluralism, worldview, organization and social administration. Equity and social justice: the multinational system of monitoring, measuring, evaluation and accreditation of the educational quality, is aimed at gathering information that translates into educational policies seeking equality in terms of the quality of education. Reciprocity and complementarity: the follow-up processes, measurement, evaluation and accreditation of the educational quality, face actions in equilibrium, concordance and parity with actors of education complementing knowledge and experiences.

Transparency: because the multinational system of monitoring, measuring, evaluation and accreditation of the educational quality, generates and provides information in a way clear, substantial, with restraint, responsibility, without bias or privileges. Common well-being and harmony: do all the actors and other instances without abuses and authoritarianism and impositions, to achieve a good education which is a condition for living well. The complex thought complex thought is an alternative proposal that can be inscribed within these paradigms, since it helps to understand reality from another point of view (reality as complexus) and opens the range of possibilities of understanding and apprehension of the various realities. Complex thought is not the paradigm but falls within the paradigms others, does not seek to subdue from a controller epistemology and all knowledge, but from its very conception, reductionist knows that there is a plurality of instances, each a decisive each insufficient.