Testing and adjusting component involves evaluation and self-esteem of teachers and students progress. At this stage, to refine and validate certain hypotheses and pilot experienced by comparing them with the experience and experiment. Analysis of experience training of cadets of the military university research shows that at this stage, the validation of the found solution to the problem and determine its importance for the understanding of the object Overall, the definition of the scope of the solutions, the introduction of results into practice. Our experience shows that the phase under consideration is related to the specific features of the military institution. Thus, the structure and function research activities defined by the purpose of preparing students of the university in this direction. They suggest deepening and development of professional theoretical knowledge and its application in practice, grafting all students the skills of setting and conducting independent research, attracting the most talented students to critical problems of education, the ability to make informed choices by students research area in which most clearly could appear their creative abilities, education in the walls of the university pool of scientists, researchers and professionals. On stage, the reflexive analysis and synthesis results of the plan, determine the level of formation of the research skills of students, comparing the results achieved with previous plans, the identification of outstanding issues deficiencies in the implementation of the plan and their causes. At this stage, thought out way of presenting the results of the study practiced forms of representation in the form of articles or abstracts, conceptualized and spells out the possible recommendations for the practical application of the results, ie absorptive phase of the study plan.