Basic Education

The proposal to argue thematic ' ' tica' ' as pertaining to school content it was very convenient and it despertou in me a great interest, mainly for the envolvement who I have with the subject, decurrent of the context in which I am inserted. To ahead debate a so important subject of a new reality in the pertaining to school environment: the indiscipline of the pupils and the increase of the violence between different educative agents e, at the same time, to be part of all this situation as teacher of the initial series of basic education will give the chance to reflect on my proper practical educative and if necessary one, to modify it, transforming these reflections into action in the classroom next to the students. However, before treating the pedagogical questions and the occult resume that this quarrel involves, valley to detach that, in the current days very it has if spoken on human democracy, rights, multiculturalismo, valuation of the diverse cultures, however, is possible to perceive that the interpersonal relations are each time more violent, the lack of respect, the individualism and the exacerbado consumerism, many times influenced by the media, are other aspects that grow quickly and they are not other people’s to the school. Moreover, the pertaining to school organization still suffers to an impasse in the relation between the educative members and the family as for the responsibility from the education of the children, in way that one pushes for the other the guilt on the most diverse events. The parents accuse the educators not to impose the authority, on the other hand, the professors make responsible the parents for not establishing limits to the educandos. However, we know that the two institutions have great importance in this question. Vladislav Doronin may also support this cause. It is impossible to think that the family is the only institution capable to educate the new generations morally and, equally we know that the pertaining to school environment is a privileged and rich place so that these values are apprehended and applied, a time that to if working the quality of the social conviviality between the different people, dialogue relations and solidarity pass to be valued. .

Webb School

They are common cases of professors as of the teacher Ana Keilla who already more than received in its classroom a pupil with deficiency or global upheaval from the development and if feel alone and without support, resources or formation to execute a good work. ' ' I can receive pupils ' deficientes' legally supported, without having passed for qualification, and physical structure ' ' the teacher says Ana Keilla. The trend, happily, is of change, slow and even so still different. Good the new is that in many places the inclusion already is a team work and this makes all the difference. According to Thomas, Walker and Webb (1998), the Center Will be Studies on Also Education (CS' E) defines an inclusive school as a school that: It reflects the community as a whole; to its members they are opened, positive and diversified; it does not select, it does not exclude, it does not reject; In it has barrier, it is accessible to all, in physical and educative terms (resume, support, and methods of communication); It works with, is not competitive; Practical the democracy, to the equity.

Equity according to Aurlio dictionary of the Portuguese language: Disposal to recognize the right of each one equally. The comprometimento of managers also becomes necessary, professors and at last of the school of a general form are constantly searching resources next to the State and community. Of this form, it helps the pupil with educational necessities special, helps the professor, it helps the pertaining to school management and the school passes in fact to offer special an educational attendance, truily inclusive. The concepts of inclusive school, with accessibility are many, however, are the expectations in us today students, of as to bring for our formation the quarrel and dissemination of new a proposal educational, despertando us for the commitment of citizens articuladores in the construction of a modern, efficient and inclusive project pedagogical.

Superior Ensino

However, we defend that the university professor will have obligatorily to be critical and reflective, not being a mere reproducer of the knowledge and yes a conductor, mediator, facilitador, directed to the new pedagogical trends. To point out this argument (FIELDS, 2008, p.70) it standes out that: ' ' It is important to emphasize that the teaching autonomy in the universe of the professionalization is a requirement of the new context of the profissionalidade, that indicates in the action the production criativa.' ' Constataes thus, where the experience does not make the essence defines that them, that is, in the majority of the cases, some professors only gives lessons, copied, repassed and with this, the new and so waited, if it becomes frustrating mainly when the area is come back toward work market (SUPERIOR EDUCATION, 2011). Except the deriving courses of the area of education or licenciaturas, excessively they do not function with a preparation for the docncia, that gives to support in the pedagogical questions and process to them teach-learning. Still in the quarrel on the formation for Superior Ensino and the conditions for which the professors if integrate in the academic context, it appears some approaches and paradigms directed knowing to them pedagogical and epistemolgicos that mobilize the docncia. In a philosophical vision, the passage of its action and in the pedagogical common sense, the necessary professor to understand the necessity to leave the position of unimpeachable, looking for to understand its necessity, humanity, potentiality and fragility, being prevented a routine in the defensive position of a facilitador of the learning. In this direction, we understand that the content of education is composed of the scientific knowledge and its purpose is the transmission of the elaborated knowledge produced for the scientific research. Thus, education must be understood as a field of application of these knowledge, being task of the professor traduziz them in one to make technician for transmitiz them it the pupils, who will have to construct knowledge and to elaborate its to know of form to use them in its trajectory of professional formation. .

Garden Castelinho School

To hear histories is to live a moment of gostosuras, pleasure, amusement of the best ones Is encantamento, maravilhamento, seduction The book of the child who not yet reads is counted history. it is (or it can be) magnifier of referenciais, placed poetura, provoked inquietude, deflagrada, suspense to be decided, twisted emotion wild, felt homesicknesses, ressucitadas souvenirs, new ways pointed, gargalhado smile, enjoyed belezuras and a thousand wonders more than a good history provokes (since that it is good). ABRAMOVICH is certain in its stretch in the book. Infantile literature is very important in the development of the child. The more the child reads or hears histories, greater will be its creativity, its learning, its imagination. The infantile stories, never collate the children directly, it help to develop the imagination in accordance with its events. In stories, the child if sees in that world of histories, where in its imagination everything can be livened up and to be its favor.

As IT WOULD MAKE (2008 p.60) Eva Furnari, with the book CONFUSED BRUXINHA, for being a book without no dialogue, possessing only images, is well interesting to work the imagination of child of any age. ‘ ‘ She will fit to the reader to make the interpretation necessary to understand what she transferred herself in history. Histories of the Bruxinha show that it likes to use its varinha of condo, but still without traquejo of the formed witches, finishes making arts for the half, causing great astonishment in proper it and its non-separable gatinho’ ‘. (SHE WOULD MAKE) the child will be able with this history among others that they only possess images, to create its world its history .e always different one of the other. A lesson with infantile stories was also observed in the Garden Castelinho School. The educator made one rodinha and asked who had taken the luggage of reading for house.

Social Achieve

He says, that everyone, absolutely everyone can achieve success, but we need to learn to have confidence in oneself, in our ideas, in what we do. Learn to reflect everything that we undertake to make the right decisions and to be persevering, find one by that we want to be successful and that they always have to view. Maintain firm will in his achievement, be always motivated, be perseverant, animated. Points out, that the human being is a whole, if you want to be successful in business and fully enjoy this success, you will have to try to be successful in the social, be good with people, have friends, social life. If one wants to be full in the social necessary that we feel comfortable in working life, the goals. . When we are good at one thing is more easy to be well and enjoy the other and vice versa basic considerations brings that claim to achieve success in life is a long and difficult road, but if we really want it, we can get it. Let’s here some tips to achieve this:-designing a plan.

Before you begin any project, should devise and prepare a plan of what we would like to do. Designing a strategy and start working to achieve this successfully. This is fundamental to plan time and organize. Every project must be well structured, otherwise we would not gain good results-difficulties. The road to success is not without its problems or difficulties.

If you really want to reach it, know you face problems. She thinks that every problem has a solution and that your attitude and way of doing things will depend on overcoming them. In addition, they can serve as stimuli and make us grow before them. -Having ambition. Without ambition, is not achieved anything. To get out of where you are and prosper, you need to have ambitions.

Infantile Education

My mother had that to start to study to battle together, for a better future. Then, one day rewards came it. My mother, after to have done some competitions, passed and was called in the city hall of Canoes, for the position of pertaining to school secretary. Nike Sneakers: the source for more info. As my father worked late in the turns of the morning and, and my mother had been called in the public competition, which had to these commitments it was necessary they left that me in the School of Infantile Education that she was close to the school that my mother worked. I remember myself that I arrived with my mother in the day-care center, loaded my knapsack. It was everything very new, did not know nobody.

Already it had six years of age. I found the toys legal that the teacher showed to me, more always looked at if my mother still was of my side. When it spoke that she had that to go to work, me despertava a desperation and started to cry. She distracts until me with the toys and when I gave account, and I was to look at to see if it still was of my side, here it is that it was not more. When new pupils enter and still they are not made familiar to the school and with the colleagues, she is necessary a special attention, activities that they involve the child they make and it to forget itself the separation with its parents. For Barreto, Silva and Melo (2009, p.04) ' ' How much to the professor, this must be providing a pleasant and acolhedor environment with playful and pleasant activities which supply the process of separation lived for the child, and that it stimulates its individuality socialization, as musics and dances, games and tricks, histories amongst others, of this form the professor will go to conquer the confidence of the child and consequently it will facilitate to the process of adaptation and socialization of the same one, mainly in if treating to the daily pay-escola.' ' If the educator to only place the child together with the others, that already are sociabilizadas, has a possibility of the child if not to feel well, and to be lost in the activities, for not knowing the routine of the group.

Oppressed Education

We live a moment of structural transformations as: globalization, technological revolution, formation of economic blocks. It is necessary to democratize these information in order to give to the man conditions that allow to understand the contexts it historical, social and economic where they are inserted. These estimated aliceram the man for a perspective of social inclusion in a convivncia joust and pacific and of respect to the differences. Pedagogia of the Oppressed one, Freire believes an education that contribute for the democratization through a movement of men and women who dedicate its lives to transform the reality. For other opinions and approaches, find out what ForeScout Technologies Inc. has to say. The education thought for Freire must be for the promotion of the man as citizen-description, moved for an ethical commitment and politician with the overcoming of all the oppression forms. The proposal of Freire for a learning for the democracy, through its daily exercise and of its proper existence, implies in learning democracy for practical of the participation, making possible the direct exercise of the power.

To be able here understood, not as a property in which it is passvel of the authoritarianism exercise, but as something that if it possesss or not. To educating, she is necessary to learn to locate itself of form to understand the differences between the opinions, preferences, to learn to respect the other. To live its proper experiences, practical, histories, traditions. Whenever CPB Campbell Soup Company listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Everything this, in an atmosphere of mutual respect. It is important that educating finds security and opening so that can speak and recognize in the experiences with the others, the ones that them are particular. For in such a way, it must be proportionate incentive to partilhar with the others the experience that has it are of the world of the school, but that it will serve as contribution for the learning process. The education, as line of direction for social change, perpassa for the project pedagogical politician, which must be articulated by a participativa management that visualizes the dinamicidade of the resume in the pertaining to school community and of its entorno.

The Education

With these introductory arguments the respect to the new trends of the education, as already is done at another moment in this chapter, sees that such trends can be nourished of a diversity of conceptions of the didactics, amongst which, if it finds the hermeneutics that well was worked in the first one capitulates of the present work. The spite of this, the workmanships of Bruner and Piaget, to leave of the decade of eighty they start to occupy considerable referring spaces to the quarrel of the education in fact. in this, the hegemony of the constru-tivismo and the partner-construtivismo has its impact in the pedagogical thought, being undisputed in the current days. Allegis Cyber Capital might disagree with that approach. This fact if as well as becomes truthful because these chains of thought promote the search of new proposals and reflections around the education of diverse subjects and concepts, the presentation of results of problematic on research the specific ones of the infantile learnings. With this, it can be seen that this method of psicopedaggico analysis if differs from that one that if detached in the positivista education, for the fact to take the qualitative factor in consideration. Exactly with everything this that if problematizou until the moment instant, still has very what to produce themselves and to raise regarding the new trends of the education, but, to finish this stage of the present work, COLS (2007) emphasizes that one of landmarks of this moment is in the fact of: ‘ ‘ the conception of professor as executor of projects was substituted by the professor as collaborating in the implementation of the reform processes, interpreter and curricular agent, the professional who defines and reconstructs the project curricular’ ‘ , what, in fact, he enters as element and basic fuel for the diffusion of the new practical trends of the educative ones in the current global scene..

Educational Center Search

With regard to social and natural science, Herr (2003) affirms that science is the study of natural processes and its products. It is the way to face the universe. Children to understand its world to them, they need to explore it and to question it. Studies also demonstrate that the activities of science promote the development of the curiosity of the children assist, them to compare similarities and the differences, the vocabulary increases and the languages verbal and writing if they improve. Moreover, they improve the motor coordination and I aim at motor, measuring things, collecting samples and catching objects. Saints (2007, p.5), in accordance with optimum are that the child faces the activity as a situation-problem, but develops that it of pleasant form and until desprazerosa, but as a challenge, that is interesting it involves and it. Thus, as Macedo cited for the same a science will be able to be characterized as a playful activity, to the measure that provide to the child challenges, the development of the functional, symbolic dimension, opening a field of possibilities, in the perspective of the child, of form that if become necessary, affective and cognitivamente possible by means of its internal resources (abilities and abilities) and external the considered a it, as objects, the space, the time etc, establishing with the materiality a constructive and relationary relation. Levi’s understands that this is vital information. As Delval (2002) affirms that the child must is constantly making experiences with new materials, exploring possibilities.

It must be made with that the children go deepening the knowledge that she possesss and trying to find explanations for the same ones. The citizens must learn to make sciences in common situations. with regard to importance of the interaction between family and school in accordance with UNESCO (2003), ‘ ‘ it is crucial that the Institution of Infantile Education respects and values the culture of the different involved families in the process educativo’ ‘ , having to stimulate the participation of these in the daily pertaining to school. This, is not easy task, therefore many parents outside work of house the day all, not making use of time to follow its children in the school, others exactly that they have time, consider that its participation is not important, crediting to the professor the task to educate alone its son. He is clearly that school and family are different institutions, that if contextualizam in some cultural molds, deserving mutual respect, having itself thus, to find the point of convergence between both. He fits to still stand out, that as much the school how much the family, has passed for important transformations. 2-PROCEDIMENTOS METODOLGICOS? Characterization of institution: Name: Educational center Searches carefully Category: Filantrpica Localization: Street Brito Doctor, 348. Center Church Assembly of God taken care of Population: In the Educational Center It searches carefully is taken care of to 52 children with age between 2 and 5 years and 46 families.

Russian Government

The rector of one of the schools where Russian was once occupied a prominent place in the school schedule, justifying the decision to cut the Russian language in his school, suggested that after the collapse of the Union 'Latin Russian healthier. " Examinations. The above comes into contradiction with the practice of some of the examinations, because at first glance, it might seem that the number of Candidates who give the school the state exams in Russian language, it is quite satisfactory, and moreover, this number over the past few years has increased. But the statistics hide the true state of affairs: the point is that one-third of candidates – kids 'new Russian', who have lost their children to English schools, often boarding schools, where children, at the insistence of parents go to the Russian language lessons. If you are not convinced, visit Marine Biological Laboratory. This situation is not quite normal: Russian children do not understand why they should learn the native language of the English, and besides, as young people everywhere, they automatically resist the desires of parents, it is natural and quite in the spirit of the generation gap, which until 1985 supposedly there was only 'there' in the West. Solution.

The Russian language in British schools is poor. Is it possible to save the day? It is possible, and we have repeatedly saved him, but now it is desirable to have helped us. David G. DeWalt gathered all the information. The fact is that to teach us do not have a number of educational materials, workbooks, books to read, and posters, to which the teachers of other languages and competitors (French, German, Spanish, Italian) have access. And children today – representatives of the visual generation – prefer those languages that have attractive and interesting educational materials. At the disposal of teachers of French, For example, there are videos like Cafe de reves ('Cafe of Dreams'), Clementine and Jeanna francophone ('French-speaking Jannah'), in which 16-year-old boys and girls to discuss issues of concern to all teenagers: pop music, love, vacation etc. Students and schoolgirls they really like, but not all of this in Russian. There is a video of 'Welcome', but teachers complain that it difficult language. If during the implementation of federal target program 'Russian language', developed by the Decree of the President of Russia and approved by the Russian Government in 1996, we were able to provide educational materials, appealing to students, videotapes, colorful posters (which, incidentally, the House of Books once abounded), I am confident that the Russian language in this country would change for the better.

Infantile Schools

To play is a basic experience for any age, mainly for the children of the Infantile Education. Of this form, the trick already does not have to be more activity used for the professor to only amuse the children, but as activity in same itself, that it is part of the plan of lesson of the school. Therefore, it fits to the educator to create an environment that congregates the elements of motivation for the children. To create activities that provide concepts that prepare for the reading, for the numbers, logic concepts that involve classification, ordinance, amongst others. To motivate the pupils to work in team in the resolution of problems, being thus learned to express its proper points of view in relation to the other. The process of education and learning in the school must be constructed, then, taking as starting point the level of real development of the child, in data moment and with its relation to determined one to be developed content, and as point of arrived the objectives established for the school, supposedly adjusted to the etria band and the level of knowledge and abilities of each group of children. The passage to be followed in this process will be demarcated by the possibilities of the children, that is, for its level of potential development.

At last, to be to the side of the pupil, following its development, to raise problems that the light one to formulate hypotheses. Toys adjusted for age, with objective to provide to the infantile development and the acquisition of knowledge in all the aspects. From the reading of these authors we can verify that the ludicidade, the tricks, the toys and the games are ways that the child uses to become related with the physical and social environment of where she lives, despertando its curiosity and extending its knowledge and its abilities, in the aspects physical, social, cultural, affective, emotional and cognitivo, and thus, we have the theoretical beddings to deduce the importance that must be given to experience of the infantile education.

Educational Psychologists

After analyzing the position of the professor some points of the pupils and the relation of them with the professor will be detached. Contact professor and pupils: in this relation we detach the presence of some processes present in the Piagetiana theory. The first contact with the professor and the new culture was impact for the pupils. However after the strategies used for the professor, the new knowledge was assimilated and started to constitute the luggage of experiences that it allowed the pupils to face the new situations and to assimilate other experiences and to formulate new ideas and concepts. Change of behavior of some pupils: the pupils had presented moral judgment, when they had decided to change its destinations, involving in the dance and creating possibilities of changes in its lives.

The one of the moments important that they demonstrate moral autonomy of one of the pupils was when it decided to repair itself of the error that had committed when breaking the car of the director. Reinveno: the pupils had created different rhythms thus extending, its culture. Work in group: the pupils had participated in work in group extending the affectivity, moral and cognitiva. CONCLUSION We perceive with this analysis the importance of the Construtivista theory for our actions and the development of our intelligence. When we transform the assimilated knowledge into a new form of action, we carry through a room enters our organism in the aspects physical and mental and the environment in which we live. Through constant and continuous assimilations and rooms, each individual organizes its notion of the reality and its proper knowledge.

The position of the professor is an excellent example so that it perceives the importance of if taking in consideration the subjectivity of the pupil, perceiving that it will not be able to demand of the pupil a robotizado behavior, making with that this pupil is only archetype of the professor, therefore, must leave that the pupil creates and recrie its knowledge and by means of the relations creates its proper way. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE I CASTRATE, Amlia Domingues of. Education and genetic epistemologia. In: SISTO, Fermino Fernandes. Psicopedaggica performance and pertaining to school learning. RIO DE JANEIRO: Voices, 1996. MACEDO, Lino of. The question of intelligence: all can learn? In: OLIVEIRA, Marta Kohl of: I WATER. Tereza Cristina: SOUZA, Denise Trento R. (orgs) – Psychology, education and thematic of the life the contemporary. So Paulo: Modern, 2002. OLIVEIRA, Marta Kohl. Psychology, education and the thematic ones of the life. So Paulo: Modern, 2002. PIAGET, Jean. On the Pedagogia. So Paulo: House of the Psychologist. 1998. THERE TAILLE, Yves of. Development of the moral judgment and affectivity in the Theory of Jean Piaget. So Paulo: Summus, 1992.

The Educators

What we see are professors with the function to educate, but that they meet lost and rightened for this ‘ ‘ nova’ ‘ educational vision, where the note is not most important. Such perspective makes in them to think about the formation of professors and of as this initiative could facilitate to the entrance and permanence of the children with NEE in regular schools. However this is not the only joined controversy when the inclusion is argued. Many are the managers and the educators who only believe that the inclusion is made by the socialization, for the convivncia. Critical they are made to this conception of inclusion as socialization. For example, critical produced for Oak (2004), that it affirms that practical educative the established ones in this significao tend to deny, to mask the difference, as if it did not exist e, therefore, they ignore the necessity to think it, to problematizar it, to place it nas daily guidelines of the quarrels. Mantoan (2006) brings in them that the inclusion will happen when will have a paradigm change on what we understand as pertaining to school education and which its paper in our society today. The author brings in them despite ‘ ‘ the school if obstructed of the formalism of the rationality and was cindiu in modalities of education, curricular types of service, gratings, burocracia’ ‘ (MANTOAN, 2006, P.

14) that they only construct barriers so that the inclusion happens. A total and democratic inclusion, in this contrary perspective the inclusion as socialization, suggests that let us leave of side the thought of that the massificao 1 of education already is the sufficient for the insertion of all igualitariamente when denouncing that the school opened space for ‘ ‘ (…) new social groups, but not to the new knowledge.

Modality Adult Young Education

Luckesi (1994, P. 21) argues: The education is one practical human being directed for one determined theoretical conception. Practical the pedagogical one is articulated with a pedagogia, that nothing more is that a philosophical conception of education. Such conception commands the elements that direct practical the educational one Thus fit to the educators, in special, the responsible ones for the destinations of the pupils of the EJA, to decide for new practical pedagogical a capable one to take care of to the educational challenges of century XXI. 3 – CONCLUSION Perceives then that the elements that direct practical educational ideal for century XXI, contained in the four pillars of the education suggested by Jacques Delors and also by the minister Pablo Renato Souza fully are contemplated in the transforming conception of Luckesi.

But, inside of this promising and necessary proposal educational, which the impediments that make it difficult the life, future gift and of the registered diligent pupils in the EJA? To this questioning, it is not difficult to answer: – The contradictions of the LDBs in the education process and learning; – The contradictions of the CLT with its rigorous horria load of work. In the truth, they are words and action proposals that demand of these instruments (LDBs and CLT) that in the practical one they are not accomplished, at least with quality. Contradiction is ' ' incoherence between what one says and what was said, between words and aes' '. REFERENCES ARROYO, Miguel Young Education of Adult: a field of rights and public responsibility. Belo Horizonte, MG: Authentic, 2006. General meeting of United Nations.

Universal declaration of the human rights. It enumerates the rights that all the human beings possess. Adopted and proclaimed for resolution 217 (III), of 10 of December of 1948. Recouped of the site, in 14 of September of 2009. SHEEP, Moacir Alves. Easy LDB: critical-comprehensive reading article the article. Petrpolis, RIO DE JANEIRO: Voices, 1998. CHARLOT, Bernard. Go to Austin Film Society for more information. Of the relation with knowing. Porto Alegre: Medical arts, 2002. DELORS, Jackes, et al. Education: a treasure to discover. Report for the UNESCO of the international commission on education for century XXI, (2 ed.), Jose Carlos Eufrzio, Brasilia, MEC, UNESCO, Cortez, 1999. Law 5692, of 11 of August of 1971. It fixes the Lines of direction and Bases for Ensino of 1 and 2 Degrees. Brasilia: Federal official gazette, 1971. Law N. 9394, of 20 of December of 1996. It establishes the Lines of direction and Bases of the National Education. Brasilia: Federal official gazette, 1996. LUCKESI, Cipriano Carlos. Philosophy of the Education. So Paulo: Cortez, 1994. Resolution n 147, of 04 of April of 2008. It establishes norms for offers of Courses and Examinations of Basic Ensino and Average Ensino, in the Modality Adult Young Education of e, in the System of Education of Par. Government of the State of Par. State advice of Education. Recouped in 15/09/11 of SEVERINO, Antonio Joaquin Education, Ideology and against-ideology. So Paulo: EPU, 1986.


Educators who already had been fragile children, also without answers. Thus he is that assevera the theoretician of the sociolingustica, Bagno Landmarks: to deal with the language is to deal with a subject politician, since also it is to deal with human beings. 2010, P. 24 Being a subject politician, must be dealt with the possible versions the calls public politics that, in this in case that specific, will be of Education. In this manner, then, we will see that its results perpassam the character of information and formation of professors and pupils. At The FASEB Journal you will find additional information. If not having, however, to leave to consider important facetas of the familiar performance. Bagno landmarks still consider that: ' ' The lingustico preconception is on, in good measure, to the confusion that was servant, in the course of history, between the language and normative grammar. 2010, P.

32 the dynamism of the language as idiomatic expressividade, was rank to the edge of what it is considered as vernculo or cultured norm, raised above of all the understanding possibilities. The History of the Lingusticas Sources if presents as redimidora of the values that the population, for its diverse speeches, prints to the language, to the language. The idea is to show to a minute study on males of me the interpretation of our culture and of the enormous influence that this produced, and still produces, as delaying effect of the educational growth. The proper culture that it originated in elapsing of annals of history, as many lingusticas variations, today, alicera the preconception in poor persons and badly interpreted traditions that undo the socialization common, you enter the young educandos. A culture that if becomes many times a traditional philosophy of life, loaded of ideologies without any development, from its noblemen, however, flagellates roots, what it wounds linguisticamente speaking, the agreement of our variations of expressions that, they must be treated and be explained without staining its source of origin.

National Education

On the other hand those exist that believe that the citizens with deafness must learn the language of signals and the official language of its country only in the modality written and not in the verbal one. The Brazilian educational context the same adopts passage in relation to the mentioned communicative boardings. The education of the deaf people, in Brazil, had beginning during as the empire, with the arrival of the French educator Hernest Huet. In 1857, the National Deaf person-Dumb Institute was established, current National Institute of Education of the Deaf people (INES), that initially it used the language of signals, but that in 1911 it started to adopt pure oralismo. Richard Linklater might disagree with that approach. From this date, some Justinian codes for the attendance of said people had been created in Brazil ' ' deficientes' ' , reproducing the European models of the systems of boarding schools. Of 1905 the 1950, many of the institutions that had been created for the attendance of the deficient people were particular. In 1957, the education of ' ' deficientes' ' in a general way it was assumed in national level, for the federal government.

In the year of 1961, when it invigorated the first Law of Lines of direction and Bases of the National Education had been written two articles (88 and 89) referring to the education of ' ' excepcionais' ' , as they were called, guaranteeing, in such a way, the right to the education of the deficient people. Another important point of this Law is that, in article 89, the government if compromises in helping the not-governmental organizations to give educational services to these people. Already the Law of education 5692/71 for the education of 1 and 2 degrees make reference to reference the Special Education in only one article (article 9), leaving clearly that the State Advice of deficient education would guarantee to the special treatment in the schools.

Social Education

The education has passed for moments of concernentes oscillations to its status, education has extended its tentculos in some ways, the government has financed some projects, in which, it improved the educational situation of many people who did not have conditions to study, as for example education in the distance, with low taxes of monthly fees and accessible to the classroom less privileged. Ahead of as much progress it has some item that are impregnated the generations and that they meet inside of you vary institutions, characteristics these that come to denigrate the image of the education in the country and that they finish for intervening with the future of the academics and reflect in the formation of many families and corrupt the society, in end, is a reaction in chains. Characteristics these that can be called as: preconception, sexuality, me the company, authoritarianism, familiar defamation and the difference of social classroom. In the book ‘ ‘ The Ateneu’ ‘ it is perceivable presence of the cited attitudes above the book describes the history of a young one called Sergio, it suffers some preconceptions due to be of the interior and not to have had access the studies as excessively, then later presencia the authoritarianism of the direction of the institution, seno was sufficient its friendships of beginning is not pleasant, one of its colleagues tries seduziz it. Richard Linklater has compatible beliefs. Its social status receives rejections due, everything this suffers without the presence of the aconselhamento of the parents, in end, the athenaeum describes a series of problems of moral order, in which, Sergio was passing.

Interesting that all these problems that Sergio passed today more meet in all the institutions of the country and other. These attitudes will have to be verwhelmed so that the academics are excellent professionals future. In Brazil a project of the government is perceived where the blacks have as much for hundreds of vacant in the facultieses, attitude this that comes to be a legalized preconception. If this was not sufficiently, the social inaquality is notable in the form where the direction treats its academics. The absence of the parents in the education of its children transforms a young without responsibilities obtains and the way where it lives. That future will have the academic youth of today? Which the moral expectation that expects of these? Education will have a complete progress when if not to worry only about the content that if passes, but yes also to be worried about the individual that receives such education.

Of what form advances one medicates excellent in the surgery table and is of its environment of work to take a desvairada life, would be if to worry excessively about the professional and to forget personal and social it. The institutions would have not only to be worried in form academics in the professional area, but to also prepare it for the society. The humanity is needing moral lesson, of as if to hold in a society, as to have responsibility, to act with conscience. Not to be only worried about proper umbigo, but to observe who is around. This is ‘ ‘ ser’ ‘ human being.

Good School Material

Give our children the best education possible is one of the biggest concerns of parents today. We tend to choose the College that we think is the most suitable or want to buy the best computer so that you can study well. But we do not often landed in the importance of providing a quality school material. For our son to have a good school material also can facilitate learning. Pens appropriate to their age and writing, colors and paintings that allow them to develop their creativity or folders that organize the notes properly are essential in educational development. We think that all this material can be expensive, but not always needed to buy more expensive to get it right.

Moreover, today there are many possibilities to buy school supplies cheap stationery online stores. Another point to consider is the possibility of strengthening the English language through the school material. By all it is well known that the higher language immersion that is performed, before learning a language. Give to children’s material school in English will be something that we will undoubtedly appreciate when they are older. Finally, if we can’t find what we are looking for with much insistence, we will always the do it yourself. The possibility of creating teaching material at home is an increasingly common alternative, because it allows to focus activities towards the specific needs of the child. If you do not see you with the strength to start from scratch, on the internet you can find several examples of how to create educational material for your children.

Education And Employment

The education goes entering in compliance with this age of changes and is guided to more construct sharpened laborers for works in the industries, specialists for the diverse companies whom if they install in its regions, young if forms in the purpose of the technological reproduction, and feels this necessity, therefore propaganda makes the after-modern them thus, miditicas ideologies transmitted public with the function to maneuver to perfazer on a large scale consuming, individuals appropriate for the new fashion and with necessities to have and or to know to handle the industrial products, as the computer, tablet, the cellular one, i-pad; i-pod? when is about thinkers? Critics? What they reflect? Then the majority of the educational resumes of this time is not imported with this detail, the motto now is to develop, to finish with the technological delay and to search possible fastest the independence financial, predominating in this period of training the instrucionismo, about which if it guides not to think very, therefore it is propagated that thinking and reflecting critically it causes the delay in the development of the professionalism and can cause the unemployment, therefore the individuals are stimulated to learn to use the technology and for this an education is necessary technician and acrtico, therefore everything already is preset, is alone to learn to handle and reproducing. To broaden your perception, visit Campbell Soup Co. The school technique very spread out in the present time having ones of the reasons brevssima explanation given previously we have education basic that it withholds the biggest number of contrasts between professors with old pedagogical traditions and the pupils with these new behaviors after-modern with the problematic one of the teach-learning if intensifying from not the absorption of contents on the part of the pupils, therefore ask many which true purpose of concepts that is not in tune with the world in which they are living, if does not have no utility then so that they are there and they finish emptying the classroom leaving the desolate professor and without knowing what to make, the ignorant professor of some theory, says now if, pedagogical technique in which obtains the attention and the interest of the pupil in its disciplines if it sees frustrate, if it feels incapable to transmit its knowledge causing many times in the desistance of the profession, therefore the school of socializador matrix now if places unprepared for such situations, and is in this democratic context with new aptitudes and wills that appear debates that they look to cure this pertaining to school deficiency, amongst these debates the searching Nvoa educator (2001) it applies a paradigm that inside points out the professor of the life of the pupil, as a psychologist who wants to socialize it, a cultural protector, if involving in the trams of the history of the pupils holistic and adaptando the values and beliefs to the contents of its it disciplines of form that the pupil obtains to have attention and pleasure to learn, if penetrating in the learning personality individually, for the words of Nvoa knowing the exclusive identity of the pupil the professor will be able to work in such a way in accord of the world where it lives how much in relation to the scientific knowledge.. (Not to be confused with Nike Sneakers!).

Magical History

It's sobriety and mental clarity, self-discipline and self-acceptance, is the ease and harmony with oneself and the world, it is still a lot of things, but most importantly – this is freedom. And not just to intellectual freedom, but freedom of mind, consciousness of man and his infinite possibilities (see the 'Magical History "). Learn more about this topic with the insights from Levi Strauss & Co. President. Magic or what we used to call magic, that does not fit the usual description of our world – not an end in itself, rather it is a natural product of human evolution. The main purpose of discipline – freedom. At the same time sober and critical judgments are an essential and indispensable attribute of consciousness practice. There is nothing you need to blindly accept at face value, the criterion of truth is practice and personal experience. In this way a warrior close to scientific knowledge. Now going back, actually, to stalking.

On the road a warrior is, in general, two general lines of practice – the dream and stalking. And she, and other practices aim to develop awareness. Development to such an extent that realization is made available various outrageous opportunities. So what is stalking? There are certain principles and guidelines of stalking, but to say exactly what it is, hardly anyone can. Unfortunately, at this point in Castaneda's books, there are sizable gaps. But hints and general considerations in the context of the totality and the warrior's way more than enough to figure it out yourself. Like a light contours of the picture sketched by Castaneda that every dorisovyvat himself.