Ecological Education

To acquire knowledge the pupil for the necessity to think about the problem of the garbage, responsible for its production and destination. To perceive that the garbage can be an important source of financial resource through the recycling. To diagnosis the dependence level/consumerism in relation to the power plants and natural resources, searching alternative for reduction of the consumption. In recent months, Nike has been very successful. To identify and to search solutions for the diverse forms of pollution (of air, the water, of the ground, sonorous and visual). To make possible the pertaining to school community the safe access to the preserved green areas.

To enable the pupils to plant, to preserve and to recoup green areas in the interior of the school and community. To recoup the green areas of the land of the school being aimed at the creation of convivncing spaces. Speaking candidly Levi’s told us the story. As strategy, the unfolding of the same is considered in Actions, that will allow to become accessible the envolvement of great parcel of the pertaining to school community, as well as bigger visibility in one of the basic estimated ones of the Ambient Education that is the support. Search of aid of the competent agencies for construction of watering holes of water captation of rains; Promotion of programs of collection, election, recycling and destination of the garbage; Campaigns for the reduction of the consumption of the power plants and natural resources; Periodical elaboration, presentation and distribution, you wall, alternative culinrias prescription folders, texts, booklets, etc; Lessons of Field (for former. ecological track, visits to it fills with earth bathroom); Promotion of action of arborization and recovery of the area of the school; Workshops: of soap, bag, alternative culinria, etc; Lectures; Compostagem; Minhocrio; Organic Horta; Jardinagem and revitalizao of the spaces of recreation of the Center; Presentation of teatrais parts for awareness on the importance to preserve the environment; Videoteca for sessions for presentation of films and sets of documents.

Ambient Education

Mainly in the forging of a public image of success, and that it demonstrates trustworthiness. In the agreement of Sachs (1986), recognized ambientalista author e, defender of the ecodesenvolvimento, is possible, and relatively easy a conciliation of the growth with the conservation of the environment. He affirms that a growth different, cautious, supported and socially responsible, come back toward a quality of life of superior degree, equitable distributed well, only it will be gotten, if in its lines of direction the dimensions will be considered: social, economic, ecological, space and cultural of the support. Already Maimon (1992), in a sequence of the same line of reasoning of Sachs (1986) standes out the important paper of the ambient politics for the development process that if longs for. In its opinion, the ambient, either it conceived education in formal or informal way, plays one importantssimo paper, as much in the creation of an ecological conscience, as in the formation of necessary human resources to the implantation of the related politics. there, is understood, inhabits, the target, the secret and the method of an elaborated good enterprise project (either public it or of the private initiative) in the ecoturismo area. In the words of Tinker apud Forest (2001a, P.

2), North American female judge, master and Ambient Doctor of Laws: ' ' The ecoturismo has that to be sustainable, in accordance with the ambient principles, as the beginning of precaution. risk of damages to the environment also exists with the development of turismo.' ' This, said, and come of somebody with qualification for in such a way, will have to sound as a signal of alert, despertando us for one real mobilization in all the areas and spheres. Since the incentive to the programs of Ambient Education in the three levels of Brazilian education, passing for the perfectioning of the beings politicians, until the qualification minimum technique of the agents and operators of tourism, in any of its modalities.

National Education

The Education Ambient, according to law n 9,795, of 27 of April of 1999, is an essential and permanent element of the National education, having to be present in all the levels and modalities of the formal educative process and not-deed of division. For its character humanist, holistic, to interdisciplinar and participativo the Ambient Education can contribute very to renew a conception of treatment and final destination of the solid residue or garbage, propitiating a permanent critical evaluation, the adequacy of the lixes to the local reality and the envolvement of the local population in concrete actions of transformation of this reality. ' ' The EA foments affective sensibilidades and cognitivas capacities for a reading of the world of the ambient point of view. Of this form, it is established as mediation for multiple understandings of the experience of the individual and collective the social ones in its relations with the environment. This process of learning, for saw of this perspective of reading, of – particularly for the action of educator as interpreter of the nexuses between society and environment and of the EA as mediating in the social construction of new sensibilidades and ethical positions ahead of mundo' '. (Oak, 2004).

The Ambient Education must search values that lead to a harmonious convivncia with the environment and the too much species that they inhabit the planet, assisting the people to critically analyze the anthropocentric principle, that has led to the inconsequential destruction of the natural resources and some species. She is necessary to consider that: The nature is not inexhaustible source of resources, its reserves is finite and must be used in rational way, preventing wastefulness and considering the recycling as vital process; The too much species that exists in the planet deserve our respect. Moreover, the maintenance of biodiversity is basic for our survival; It is necessary to plan the use and occupation of the ground in the urban and agricultural areas, considering that it is necessary to have worthy conditions of housing, work, transport and leisure, areas destined to the food production, protection of the natural resources and final destination of solid residues.

Environmental Education

Each one of us is responsible for about 3,6 kilograms of garbage per day! What to make with this garbage, consisting of diverse materials, as glasses, plastics, metals, paper, cardboard, remaining portions of food and others? The population human being comes very growing, increasing the amount of garbage thanks to the innumerable dismissable item that look ' ' facilitar' ' the life of the people in day-by-day. One of the solutions oldest, and that still it is used, consists simply of removing the garbage of a place and transferring it to another one, in the periphery of the cities, forming the immense lixes the open sky. These lixes, beyond the bad one I smell, are responsible for intense proliferation of insects, as flies and cockroachs, and of other animals, as the rats, causing a serious problem of public health. Moreover, the low income populations had started to explore these lixes, collecting remaining portions of food, objects and other item, placing at risk the proper one health. Although still many lixes to exist, them are not more acceptable. Currently, other forms come being used: the sanitary aterros, the incineration and the compostagem. The considered project will deal with two 0 variable having been the Ambient Education as proposal of transforming source resulting in changes of attitudes, consolidation of values, knowledge, abilities, and abilities that the implantation of proposals makes possible that diminishes the ambient impacts caused by me the disposal of the solid residues. In as place the necessary knowledge for the correct implantation of deposits of solid residues, being duly clarified through models used for such, as I fill with earth bathroom, lixo, dump, etc., individually each one with its correct way of implantation. The interlocution between Ambient Education, valuation to the environment and better condition of life for all the beings must be contained in the same intention, being observed the basic principles for the life, involving the municipal community and governing.

Educational Plan

Figure 1 shows the map of the subdivision of the administrative regions in the Bahia. Figure 03 – Map of subdivision of the administrative regions of the water and the hidrogrficas basins of the State of the Bahia detaching the area of subprojeto 1.5. Source: Manual of Grant (1997). 1.4.2 Socioeconmica characterization According to last demographic census of the Bahia carried through for the IBGE in the year of 2000 the population of the region of Irec approximately corresponds to a percentage of 3% of the population of the State, 372,944 inhabitants, occupying an echoing area 4.6% of the territory, 26.155Km2, integrating a set of 19 listed cities previously (IBGE, 2000). (Not to be confused with KDP!). 1.4.3 Education the educational system regional this structuralized in four levels, the preschool one, basic education, average and superior education, distributed in pertaining to school state, municipal and private establishments. Table 01. It presents the average and percentage of school registrations for education level Source: SEI/CAR? Statistical yearbook of the Bahia? 2000.

The school registration in the municipal net that in 2000 was of 8538 pupils (including education average. Credit: Richard Linklater-2011. In 2003 they had been registered 10,030 pupils, without the pupils of average education, a time that this modality of education started to be responsibility of the state administration. (LDB 9394/96). The total of pupils registered basic education it suffered an evolution accented from 1997, had to the effective commitment of the new municipal management with the education, and to break 1998 with the creation of the FUNDEF. In the measure where we need to place in the Educational Plan of the City the questions in a scale of priorities, two basic signallings had been pointed with respect to this priorizao: the proper reality (and the available resources, its possibilities and limitations), and the profile of citizen whom if it intends to take care of. The city possesss currently, in its municipal net 18 schools in urban zone and 16 in the agricultural zone, totalizing 34 schools.


SUMMARY: This text constitutes in a theoretical assay and of relative reflexometodolgica to the quarrel on the conceptions of educaoambiental and urban space in the society contemporary. (Source: Levi’s). The educaoambiental in this context must deal with the critical questions relacionadasao development of the environment, society and space urbanoviabilizando educative actions articulating the ambient set to know, attitudes and sensibilidades, detaching the importance dainterdisciplinaridade of the Ambient Education in the pertaining to school resume, because we understand that the interdisciplinaridade is the best form to deorientarmos on the education of the ambient education in the educational scope, therefore the law n 9,795, of 27 of April of 1999 in Art. 10. It defines that ambient aeducao does not have to be implanted as disciplines isolated nocurrculo pertaining to school, the same one will have to be developed as a prticaeducativa integrator, permanent continuum and in all the levels emodalidades of formal and not formal education.

Therefore it is known that saberesno must be divided arbitrarily, because the knowledge will be bemrelacionado when taught of a form not broken up. We know that de boundary line importance to the quarrels directed toward the temticasambientais, so that to the information they are socialized of eglobal local form, guiding on the relations nature-society. The jornaislocais, national and international, every day tell the descasosambientais, caused for the disrespect to the promoted environment pelohomem, thus causing, an attrition between nature, society and man. This study it has as objective to alert for the ambient problems, caused in result of the dispute for space and the crescimentodesordenado one in some Brazilian metropolises. The methodology consisted deconsultas in libraries and sites of the Internet, using dadosprimrios and secondary, whose operacionalizao understood alocalizao and registered election of the headings and authors. It estudocontribuiu it for a positive vision with regard to the management of prticaseducacionais directed toward the natural and urban environment, to aoproporcionar a clear vision of the relation integrator enter the eprtica theory in the ambient education..

Ambient Education

The prxis of Pablo Freire identify two dimensions (action and reflection), that they are analogous to the two spheres of the development (necessity and limitation). Sato (2003) When Pablo Freire wrote on the liberating pedagogia and humanist, was if relating the education holistic, where automatically, I included the ambient one. Thus being, if really an education existed humanist and liberator, would not have necessity of if to have brother-in-law the term Ambiental.Para Education pedagoga Nan Mininni (2001) the word Ambient Education would have to yield space for expression education, that would integrate all by itself the proposal educational and ambient. This question is very to salutar, however, the formal educative process, if it lost in its objective, that is, it did not obtain to follow the technological and social development all. A formal education does not exist in Brazil we watched to the birth of the universe. It is not the Land for us. Recently Kindle Direct Publishing sought to clarify these questions. We are for the Land. It is not fruit of our desire.

Nor she needed us to produce its immense complexity and biodiversity. We are resulted of previous cosmic and planetary processes to our appearance. We are the last ones to arrive. We enter in scene when already 99 had transcorridos, 98% of the history of the universe (Boff 2002). The life is the biggest budding of the evolution process.

The modern societies because of the consumerism threaten the system of the life, from there the urgency of ethics of the life. Boff (1999). It is a calling to the reflection of the philosopher Leonardo Boff here, who works the quarrels about the ambient questions and the responsibilities attributed to each one. That it is the ethics the spine of the human relationship evident finaisFica Consideraes, therefore, that the EA, as a holistic education of the citizens, is facing great challenges in the attempt of a substantial transformation.

Ambient Education

The Ambient Education has as to funopropiciar values, ideas and rules in way what! they can develop one ‘ ‘ relao’ ‘ healthful with the environment, through practical preservacionistas. Others who may share this opinion include Levi’s. For Libneo (2007 p.76), ‘ ‘ the ambientalistas conceptions are the ones that play in the environment externotoda the performance force on the individual to configure its behavior sexigncias of sociedade.’ ‘ The current society requires that, osindivduos assume an ecologically correct position. It fits, then, the educaoambiental to promote the sensitization of the individual in relation to the questesambientais. Therefore: Its basic intention is shows economic correlations, politics, social, cultural and ecological of the world, contributing, therefore, for the one development spirit deresponsabilidade and solidarity between the individuals and the societies. (Amncio: 2009 p.01) Understands for Ambient education umprocesso that objective: (…) to form a population mundialconsciente and worried about the environment and the problems that dizemrespeito it, a population that have the knowledge, the abilities, estadode spirit, the motivations and the direction of participation and lhepermita enrollment that to work individually and collectively to decide the problemasatuais and to hinder that they happen again (…) ‘ ‘ (SEARA SON. 1987 P. 43.) Thus, we stand out that, the Ambient Education has between its proposals the seusobjetivos to promote individual and collective actions aiming at to the sensitization daspessoas in relation to the environment. Development the Ambient education is configured in a formative process quecontribuiu for the development of the citizenship. Therefore, to (…) ‘ ‘ desenvolveruma population that conscientious and are worried about the environment and comproblemas that them they are associates. A population that has knowledge, abilities, attitudes, motivations and commitment to work, individual ecoletivamente, in the brainstorming for the existing problems and parapreveno of novos.’ ‘ (Chapter 36 of Agenda 21) In this way, the sensitization econscientizao of the people in relation to the ambient question, becomes them crticase responsible for the way which are inserted.

Municipal Schools

The garbage production in the Indai quarter and the contributions of the Municipal School Luis Heraldo Duarte Curvlo in the Potion city, front to the ambient impacts that can cause the health of the population of direct and indirect form Project to be developed through the social medias. Justification: The quarrel of the thematic one: Garbage production aims in first plan to contribute for the ambient education of the people, therefore the question of the garbage in the Potion city became a problem how much the lack of information on the cares until the collection or exactly when played by the streets. To implement educative actions on the caused impacts through the no-biodegradvel garbage that is produced in the Potion city, by means of social medias. Specific objectives: To create one blog treating to the thematic one using adequate content to all the etrias bands and levels of escolaridades, to facilitate to the understanding and communication; To divulge blog through the existing medias in the Potion city; To argue on the subject: environment through postagens of texts in blog; To answer all the texts postados for internautas so that it has the interactive communication of that they are participating of the discurso; To evaluate the level and the quality of contents of the postados texts; To diminish the amount of not biodegradvel garbage in the reaproveitamento of plastic bags and use of fabric bag to make purchases. Click Gerald Weissmann, MD for additional related pages. White public: all the people interested in contributing directly or indirectly in the preservation and conservation of the environment, such as: students, professionals, entrepreneurs and of all the etrias bands. Methodology: This project will be carried through through medias social, capable to transmit important information on the environment, focando in the ultimate issue the garbage production. Thus, blog will be created one and made to the spreading of the same, so that all interested parties in the thematic one participate through postados texts that interact with other participants of opened form, however this space opened in blog, to the people they will have same access without if registering in cadastre, but the texts will have limited characters and will pass for an evaluation before being accepted, so that it has understanding, awareness, communication, interaction and responsibility on the subject in question, as well as of the postadas information. The space of blog will have the postagem of informative text, treating to the thematic one and folloied to photographs of the geographic spaces where dispersed garbage exists, placing the health of people in danger. From then on to look for to enclose the greater I number of possible participants, as well as stimulating the collaborators to be multiplying of the idea published in blog so that she contributes in fact in the ambient support of the city. Each text published in blog for quarrel will be folloied of real environment photographs of the city, related with the subject. Of this form, the communications for ways them social medias will be able to reach the objective of the project and to be a tool important to divulge and to educate many people whom for some reason knowledge of the thematic one does not have, considered of great local and global relevance.

Ambient Education

The activities proposals must if of the one in a continuous process, taking in consideration the reality of the pupils and its to know systemize, that is, she is necessary to adopt a dynamics that privileges the action-reflection-action. The Ambient education in the school must search values that lead to a harmonic convivncia with the way and the too much species that they inhabit in it, assisting educating for an ecological conscience when analyzing the anthropocentric principle that provides to a destruction inconsequente of the natural resources and of some species of the nature. Ahead of as many tracks to accomplish one practical one of Ambient Education in the School, and to have the knowledge, previously of the ambient perception of the involved actors in this research, they allow in them to make some recommendations: Continued formation educators to be able them to rethink, to reelaborar or even though to modify its practical conceptions and of Ambient Education in the School; The developed actions must be based by the cooperation and a generation of autonomy of all involved ones on the process, that culminates in changes of mentalities so that they can exceed beyond the pertaining to school space; The professors must bring for the classroom, texts that stimulate the reflexivas readings of ambient subjects as: water scarcity, decurrent illnesses of the lack of basic sanitation, catastrophes, urban garbage, consumption, alternative misery, energies, technological innovations in the ambient area among others deriving problems of the lack of preservation of the environment etc. At last, leaving of the thought of Pablo Freire, for who the education must have as objective greater to desvelar the overwhelming relations lived by the men, transforming them so that they transform the world, and searching to make with that the State School Prof. Marluce Lucas exerts its paper in the formation of the ambient conscience of its alunado, considers it implantation of Ambient Education in the Project Pedagogical Politician of the School, in accordance with the PCN? s and the current law, with the objective to form critical and conscientious citizens, made use to take new attitudes and to adopt new styles of life, aiming at the construction of possible futures, through the optics of the ecological support and the social equity. In this manner, they consider essential the adoption of measures whose objective is to consolidate new pertaining to school paradigms, in the direction of the briefing and transformation of the reality.

The ways are not difficult, the documents and the ideas of as if of to approach the thematic one they are gifts in our daily one, fits to each one to create its proper passage. .