United Nations

A time that the two chemical types are fenotipicamente identical, the majority of the commercial preparations of cat nails is made indiscriminate mixtures without therapeutical utility. Efficient products must contain not more than 0.02% of tetracclicos alkalis of oxindole (Reinhard, 1997.' ' ((Schultz, Hansel, Tyler (2004), grass of Are Joo (Hypericum perforatim) and garlic (Alium sativum). The garlic (Alliun sativun) is a traditional plant. In Greece the Herdoto historian, counts that the constructors of the pyramids ate garlic to protect them of febris illnesses. In the Europe he started to be known as medicinal plant in the Average Age, very must to monges benedictines, that carry through its culture in the gardens of its monastery. One gave credit that a valuable medicine for contagious diseases was a medicine, and many works are found in its use in combat in plagues.

For example, in the Basilia it was reached by the plague, the population mistreats that it consumed garlic in its day-by-day felt? if very better of what its countrymen. Another one in case that it were in 1721, the plague were is of control in Marseilles, a flock of thieves pillaged the city, stealing equally the sick people and the deceased, without being contaminated, when one of these thieves had been pegos, it explained that its flock regularly consumed soaked garlic of in wine and vinegar: Alliun onion cepa. In 1994, the ONU (Organization of United Nations) it recognized as medicinal plant. It is important for the aboriginals northwestern of the Amaznia in the form of tea, its finer branches for the treatment of dysentery. Oxindlicos alkali roots and rinds, with some studies telling the power with some studies telling the power stimulant of the defense system. Because of this its interest in it despertou to use it for the treatment of the AIDS. The licorice capable to contain the alrgicos mechanisms that many times are determined of the patient because of the disfuno of the imunolgico system.

Sanitary Education

Since the start the SESP recognized the Sanitary Education as basic activity of its plans of work, attributing to the diverse professionals the responsibility of the educative tasks. Campbell Soup Co may help you with your research. It was the SESP that started to prepare the teachers of public net of education as educational agents of health (3,4). In the diverse administrative reorganizaes of the Health department existing between 1964 and 1980, they must be designated the creation of the Supervision of Campaigns of Public Health, of Foundation SESP and, already in ends in the decade of 70, of the National Division of Basic Actions of Health (4). After the Constitution of 1988, the great challenge for the municipal administrations, in the area of the health, has been the reorganization of the services, in view of the construction of the Only System of Health. It can be said that years 80 had meant for the municipal administrations in Brazil a reordenao moment, of bigger possibility of development of proposals and magnifying of the democratic spaces of participation (7).

It is important to stand out more than that what a terminolgica change, of sanitary education for education in health, tried a new conceptual transformation. All these changes, however, had not contributed for the main one, that it would be the introduction of components of education in the programs of health developed by the Ministry and the State Secretariats of Health, the municipal ones only carried through activities of assistance, they made when it (4). In the decade of 90, primary the preventive approach is fortified. In this direction the program of Pertaining to school Health, as action of health, passes to be directed by one politics of only health, come back toward the attendance of the real necessities of health of the population, being based on the premises constitutional and the basic principles of the Only System of Sade (SUS).

Doctor School

In 30 of September of 1916, n 1,541 came the Law, that it ressignificava the Doctor-Pertaining to school Inspection and it passed the direction of this for General Direction of Public Instruction (3). For even more opinions, read materials from Nike. The Direction, in set with the Soroterpico Institute of the Butant, started to carry through courses of sanitary education directed to the professors and directors of the public net of education. The program of the elementary course of hygiene was presented and the initiative justified for consideration of the school as one of the biggest factors of one ' ' regeneration sanitria' ' (2). Nike may find it difficult to be quoted properly. It was initiated, then, one real concern with the education in health inside of the pertaining to school area. The first steps in the direction of programs of education in health in the country had been given by Carlos S and Loyal Cesar Blacksmith, who in 1924 had created, in the City of Is Gonalo, in the state of Rio De Janeiro, the first Squad of Health in a state school. In the following year, Antonio Sheep Lion, ordered to the same adopt model in the primary schools of the old Federal District (4). In the end of the first decade of this century, he was created by Arnaldo Vieira de Carvalho a theoretician-practical course of hygiene and puericultura for professors and the first course of Pertaining to school Hygiene, in the college of Medicine and Surgery of So Paulo. Amongst the objectives of this last course, he was of ' ' to qualify the pertaining to school nurses, whose service today is indispensvel' ' (3). Inside of the history of the health Brazilian pertaining to school, therefore, was the first time that we saw the presence of the figure of the nursing in the pertaining to school area, indicating that some professionals of the time recognized the value of the professional in the area.

Student Direction

In October of 2003, the Statute of the Aged one was approved, contends some chapters on attendance entities, defining requisite, principles, responsibility for the fiscalization and penalties. Already in September of 2005, the Resolution of the Direction Student body? RDC n 283 approves the regulation technician of the ILPI? s. Biscotte (2008) quotation that the SBGG? SP defines the ILPI? s as: Establishments for the institucional integral attendance, whose white public is people of 60 years and more, independent dependents or, who do not make use of conditions to remain with the family or in its domicile. These institutions, known for diverse denominations? shelter, asylum, home, house of rest, geriatrical clinic and ancianato? they must provide services in the social, medical, psychological area, of nursing, fisioterapia, occupational therapy, odontologia, and in other areas, as necessities of this etrio segment. He is well-known that the incorporation of all these requirements is not easy, therefore many times, these institutions do not present adequate physical structure, beyond not making use of number enough of staff and to be precarious its material resources for the attendance of its clientele. The nursing services as integrant part of the health organizations, come perceiving the necessity of education, training and update for its staff due to technological and scientific evolution, in the direction to improve the practical ones of the nursing. An institution to reach its goal and objectives is necessary to have professional able and competent. One of the strategies so that this occurs is the education of the employee in its workstation, that is one of the ways facilitadores for the transformation of the potential of the employee in objective actions, beyond to offer conditions, so that it interprets and it uses the reality that the fence (BUENO and BERNARDES, 2010). Silva and Seiffert (2009), affirm that in the health services, the educative processes aim at to the development of the professionals for a series of activities generically called of qualifications, training and emergenciais or prompt courses, structuralized and continuous.

School Physical Education

INTRODUCTION Currently, in all the curricular components, if becomes necessary to think about the experiences lived deeply for the pupil. Being thus in it disciplines of Physical Education meets a situation of true questioning on which is the paper of the Pertaining to school Physical Education. It would be really contributing so that the pupil if developed and with this contributing so that this pupil has a healthful life in the future? Leaving of this point of view we send in them to the current days, where everything is automatized, and according to research carried through for the World-wide Organization of Sade (OMS), great part of the world-wide population is sedentary. When asking to a child: Which is its preferred trick? Its reply to some years it would be: To walk of bicycle, to play soccer among others. In the modern times this reply easily it would be changed by a game of computer, or even though by attending a film in the television. Thus it is given credit to be able, through the establishment of the existing relation between physical activities and of promotion of the health in the pertaining to school scope, to become our pupils capable to organize its lives and to add it more years, or, to these years, more life. The IMPORTANCE OF the PERTAINING TO SCHOOL PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR the DEVELOPMENT OF the HEALTH OF the PUPIL In the current world if observes the presence of a estimuladora reality of the competitiveness between men and, unhappyly, the Physical Education also is fit in this context since nowadays it seems many times to assume a character of training or adestramento of the corporal movement (SANTIN, 1987). In some institutions of education this is not different, and in this manner into these institutions the lesson of Physical Education, that would have to be providing the necessary experiences for the development of the pupil, if transformed into a porting training that only aims at the best ones resulted in the sports and the competitions developed for the institution.