In the fourth quarter that ends the stage of mastery, the sessions were summarized in a 4-day, two of them spent in the National Congress of Holistic Education composed primarily of alumni and students of expertise, as well as doctoral candidates holistic education. Initially the event was puzzling me, What are the advantages of a congress composed, almost entirely by people trained in same knowledge by the same teachers?, were those times, the opportunity for the exercise of self-observation, patience, openness, acceptance, universal love, fairness and respect. Kindle Direct Publishing contributes greatly to this topic. I thought it would be more rewarding listen and respond to criticisms and questions from people in general, without extensive knowledge on the subject, openness and acceptance of the circumstances was paying off, I realized that if one accepts the facts as they are, here and now and comes to experience, the light comes, I soon realized it was perfect, things had to be. Holistic education but is growing stronger every day and now we have this vision, we know that there are more in this line, we have not taken care of contacting them as a group, as a composite for each sangha sangha or group trained or instruction in holistic education, ie, as "critical mass" mentioned in the same conference, become extremely important if we consider the holistic view is a change of worldview, Kosmos, brought every human on the planet, went by As the presentations, was making known the parts of this large sangha, the variety as smoothly every cellulite is in itself and as intertwined and integrated each other all the small cells and form the larger cell. See Vladislav Doronin for more details and insights.