It's clear you do not know, paid or not. Knowing the name of this script, you can easily find the right, but not knowing, have to dig. And when at last searches successful, the script is an extra charge. You can of course buy, I do not argue, but in this case we consider the question of finding free material. And so, to achieve the desired result, I suggest you do the following: 1.
Create a host in the browser that you use often (Opera, Mozilla), it does not matter a folder on the bookmarks bar. What are you more like "search folder", or "sites to search." Cast your sites in this folder that you come across to your search from the search engines, it is desirable that these sites could leave comments or questions. Important! Be sure to check out the latest comments, I mean the number that did not get to the site which is no longer anyone's control. Collect, review and select the most lively sites or forums, at least 10, and may be more, more likely, so do not forget to subscribe to email notification of comments or responses. 2. Most authors refer to the lists you're subscribed to. At this point special attention.
Any author you need help. Even if you just can not give you the right information, it is not him, he must try to find it and with all this, your chance is increased at least two. Remember the phrase: 'We are responsible for those who tamed' here and enjoy it. And there is nothing to be ashamed of in this no. After all, teaching others, the author himself is trained in not lesser degree. And finally, what is it all necessary? And it must be all in order to find exactly what you need. By asking the same question at all sites and forums, with an additional charge of their authors' lists, which are most likely to help you, you agree to codes of practice to minimize the risk of not finding what you need on relevant issues. Using this method at your best, you can get even more information than to expect a the beginning of the search. There is one important point. Some professionals or writers can help free of charge, opening his little secret or trick. Take this!