Carlos Manuel Education

That was the patriotic work which had begun Felix Varela, a huge work of creation of science Sciences, consciences and mentalities that was planting deep roots which germinated in the Cuban nation. Varela to light and Knight; Light and Knight to Rafael Maria de Mendive; mendibe Jose Marti is crawler chain that rung to rung, besieged the cusp of Cuban critical thinking; men, men able to build a patriotic nation were formed with those ideas. The essential traits which has characterized the Cuban education, in all historical stages, has been: clarified that the purpose of education must be aimed at the formation of the man in its most broad and high concept. The integral man who thinks, feels, values, do, I acted, and above all love. Campbell Soup Company takes a slightly different approach. The unifying centre of this formative interest has been in the moral sphere. You can not forget that the Cuban education was developed from its origins, in franca battle by training and defense of the conscience of Cuban, against powerful forces of these solvents. Formed values were put into evidence in a palpable way during the ten years ‘ war; indelible examples of selflessness, courage, love of country, are all along the race.

The heroism of Carlos Manuel de Cespedes, Ignacio Agramonte, Antonio and Jose Maceo, and so many other Cubans, filled with memorable pages of our history, in which also noble women were at the height of the hardened men. Sublime expressions of patriotism also offer it Mariana Grajales, mother of Maceo-, Lucia Iniguez, Ana Quesada, Canducha Figueredo, among other distinguished Patriots that it handed over all for independence. Enrique Jose Varona was an illustrious philosopher, sociologist and educator estomaguero, who managed to form an educational theory based on the philosophical, sociological and psychological foundations of positivism’s fall cut. It was concerned about the integral formation and full student, to consider that education should contribute to the formation of the moral habits, to the better development of the human body, to the development of intelligence and the proper and rational expression of feelings and emotions of each child, where a moral part preference.

Harvard University

You have to be aware of the veracity, seriousness, importance, magnitude and reach unlimited and inconceivable that represent the knowledge written in these chapters of the power of the mind. They have to know that the power of the mind for example, was that originated that, the term emotional intelligence was used for the first time in 1990 by the psychologists Peter Salovey of Harvard University and John Mayer of the University of New Hampshire. Are you he employed to discover the emotional qualities that seemed to have great relevance and importance to achieve success, as demonstrated personal highly pitted without having an average IQ, or studies. Contact information is here: Richard Linklater. So, that were put into the task of analyzing these factors initially, that then reflects and to once again take them to understand the only reason that can be expressed; of the power of the mind. Therefore I reiterate his home and conclusion of all his work, in which analyzed the behavior of students in classrooms, and performed a work jointly on: BTV empathy.vLa expression and understanding of feelings.Speed control of the evil genius (the ira).vLa independence.vLa adaptability. (See my article; 10 resistance to change).vLa sympathy.vLa capacity to solve problems in the form interpersonal.vLa persistencia.vLa Tenacidad.vSu expression Corporal to situations.vLa cordiality.vLa amabilidad.vEl respeto.vLa improvisation.The 1995 Bestseller, EMOTIONAL intelligence by Daniel Goleman, was that opened Pandora’s box in the public consciousness, and so well elaborated form, structured, written and worthy of the global impact that I represent to the point of eradicating the intellectual coefficient, by the intelligence Emocional.En the next chapter of the power of the mind, focus a little more on this field, but I already warn them that unfortunately I will hurt you outside sensibilitiesin which already en las que ya preveo they foresee all kinds of adjectives towards my person, to what I am already enjoying without hear them or read them, then will be a joy for me..


And although, with some success, in general there was agreement that this knowledge should be located in the last or before last year’s race, is not always worked on fundamental issues on which all subject, should be based is to say: what is teach?, how do you teach? and what do you teach?. From there until a few years ago was not strange to take a program of any University and verify that the thematic axes of the same were a sort of civil law course, summarized and accelerated with some references to the laws of hospitality and travel agencies. Nothing more contradictory or away from the content, skills and assessments that the learner should incorporate in this stage of his training. The underlying idea seems to have been: there should be a matter of law, we do not know how or why; which content the Attorney who handed down it to put it and that’s how we have seen the absurdity of seeing tourism students trying to elucidate the degree of the cardholders right within a complex succession, or questioning the differences between divorce and the separation of fact and other lindeces by style. Click E-books to learn more. The experience, thus raised, others are saying it has proved frustrating for everyone. It is not difficult to think that this problem would have been avoided if they had been taken as reference similar and already proven pedagogical experiences; as for example the teachers of law within careers in economics and vice versa that long ago they had work overcoming obstacles for the sake of an integrating vision. The law is not a panacea that will solve all the ills of the sector, however tempers them, modulate them, channeled them and in this sense, because it is a cross-cutting activity as is the Tourism, good is that the matter is at the end of the academic training. .

UN Organization

Countdown to this rebellion begins in 2010 and only those who know encompass and stimulate the sense of the universe, will surpass the border of the 2022. The political leaders of Spain and America must agree in proclaiming the generic benefits of this Hispanic contribution to the world, the first globalization, which is an unquestionable reality. Everything you live today was born thanks to her. Spain, where the Sun was not put generated, in that way, the effective global advance and by This Madrid deserves to be the capital of the planet. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Chip Bergh. But money corrupts the weak and the globe is warming in different senses. At the end, the six billion human beings more or less computed shall be divided, from now, ventre that epically exceed the 2022 and the pests that even degenerate Earth. Unique roads to end corruption are the goodness of the bravery and the culture, none of the technological progress as based on false premises. Evil is reached through the fervor for the money and technology only dehumanized. This is the proposal to the political leaders of Spain, in the first place and all and each one of the leaders of each and every one of the Nations, as well as to UN Organization that will be reinforced with this natural ideology.A historical and cultural output that favors the human being, born anywhere.

The Universities

Interest is most noticeable in the figuration of many continue to play that role as fictitious authorities, many, under the protection of the same power groups that have controlled universities per year and which have deteriorated to these academically. No sight in those who aspire to be new authorities, programs, academic, research, of compelling educational management plans that show, that will be radical changes in the transformation of professionals, that they really are prepared for the challenges, more anchored in the power and perform their goal giving way to a socialism that favors everyone. We are not opposed to changes, as always when these are democratic, transformers on results that will benefit all those who live in the country. We support the amendments without damaging the academic, research, excellence are in favour of renewals, emerged from the shadows to prosecute the light that illuminates this path that leads to Venezuela to develop, therefore we have provided services teacher for many years, hoping to count with professionals, who are agents of change that give step through your performance results that favour not only the institutions where they work but the country itself. It is definitely required, rescue the academic excellence and this for, it must be creative, innovative, experienced teachers, skilled at generating transformations, motivate their students to bring about new knowledge and that is pass to those changes required to succeed. Is required of teachers with ethics, moral, visionaries, not figurative, but true proactive agents, who can take advantage of his opportunity, express their views and take step to indicate that new leaders of the education that the country needs. Not be aware of the sad reality that currently the universities face in academics, the consequences will be very harmful for the country, we hope to begin the changes necessary to lead to the new authorities of the universities to play its role as it should be and take advantage of in these times, the human talent that has and give life to action through programmes, well defined plans, thus collaborating with the academic University rescue, because otherwise posterity put it as people who were not positive in the Venezuelan education.

Education Holistic Intelligence

Reflecting on the goals that human beings have, the most important thing is to be happy, and happiness each one conceived in different ways, some getting material things that have desired, some getting pleasures of the senses, others reaching the goals that have been set, however, this satisfaction or momentary happiness ends very soon, faster than you can think; What will be due this fleeting happiness which is achieved with material things, the sensory pleasures or the achievement of the goals; Dr. Ramon Gallegos, in the Satsang of July this year, said this problem that is living in the present, in which there is an existential emptiness, a lack of values that lead to a lasting happiness; Ramon Gallegos, I mention that true happiness, is the one that came from the inside, is our true essence, we are made of happiness, only lack to discover the truth, a truth that has to do with understanding of our true nature. Happiness can only be find in the spiritual plane, says Dr. Ramon Gallegos, in the mind can not because everything is impermanent, that at any given time provides mental or sensory happiness soon ends, and we only want more of the same, causing suffering, for this reason is necessary to educate the mind to be able to recognize the true happiness that comes from withinwhich does not require object or cause to manifest in our lives permanently. What capacity or intelligence should be a human being to achieve a full and lasting state of happiness? en1995 Daniel Goleman, pointed out the importance of emotional intelligence emphasizing that it is the best indicator of success for life than academic skills, (Gallegos, 2000); Goleman, described the spiritual intelligence as the ability to perceive, apply, understand and control the emotions, according to our convenience in human relations, and thus be able to control own feelings, maintain calm and dominate the impulsivity. .

The School

The strategy that is used is that the students perceive the benefits of learning in the short term through the acquisition of knowledge and skills that are conducive to the realization of a productive activity. This last point is illustrated in the Conference through Steven, a young man who spent three years living on the streets of Nairobi then that their parents had died of AIDS and the that was achieved to attract the school through teaching the craft of woodworking. This kind of work is cost-effective for youth within the context in which they live so there is a motivation of wanting to learn the skills that help you to make a profit. The second point, intrinsic motivation, refers to that students will be attracted towards learning if this relates to interests that have each of these. No sense deliver knowledge and skills which are conducive to perform a productive activity and obtain its benefits in the short term, when young people have access to illicit activities that allow them to obtain higher profits in less time. Due to the above is that teaching should be interesting for students. With this I do not mean to fool them so that they show a fake interest in learning an area in particular, as normally happens in schools.

On the contrary, consists in that what is taught must take into account the tastes and preferences of the children and young people. It is as easy as asking what interests them and be a contribution to the knowledge and experience that one possesses, or just answer questions they formulate. It is the only way that this works. To summarize, learning is achieved through a strategy of attracting students to the knowledge. This is accomplished through the motivation to receive a benefit that is derived from the lessons learned and because this relates to their tastes or interests.

Roberto Kiyosaki

One of sectors not included in the curriculum of schools and the vast majority of universities is the basic financial education. The vast majority of young people who end up with the school are educated to earn money, but they can’t balance a checkbook and much less invest money that will win in their lives. Vacuum like ante in their children’s education, you need parents to assume the role of educating them in the basics of finance and enter them into the world of money. The problem is that many parents have not received adequate training in this area and do not have the knowledge to teach their children. If you are not convinced, visit Campbell Soup Co. Solution: Learn along with them! Do and what better way to do it than playing an educational game in which their children will learn about the financial issues in natural, entertaining and effective way? Do apart from the Monopoly, which is a classic, I recommend Roberto Kiyosaki, Cashflow games for Kids for children up to 8 years and Cashflow 101? for older children and adults who want to start in the world of investments with the right mentality. Below I give 15 important lessons that my children learned playing Cashflow 101. 1.

The concept of the career of rats our education system intends to train people that are inserted successfully into the labour market. Why the vast majority of people, independent of their level of education, does not question the fact that someday they will work at least 8 hours a day as an employee or as a used car, changing their hours for money. They are unaware that there are other options that allow you to generate money and are automatically trapped in the career of the rats once they begin with their working lives. 2. No matter the amount of money you have, but liabilities that you’re able to generate when we started with the game, my children focused on earning more and more money.


It is regrettable, as a Government saying revolutionary, capable of undertaking heroic deeds that give passage to the transformations that Venezuela needs and once prosecute it on the path of lights where should now walk for years, neglects what education represents, what it holds for all those who have the right on entering in the scope, impact generated by preparing to contribute the required expertise that will allow the country to unfold successfully, the challenges that the current scenarios demand you. Every day, he reads, observes, the great discontent that the manifest University community before the outrage of the Government in relation to neglect give to universities, a budget worthy of those who provide them with the knowledge, experience, involving that will train participants to form and obtain a title to benefit the country. It is very unfortunate to read and experiment in the case of teachers depend on a wage, salary not adapted to the inflationary reality of the present, not just salary to functions, requirements to play, not homologated according to the necessities to survive decently, in an environment where prices for the acquisition of commodities fail to cater to a family. Gerald Weissmann, MD is the source for more interesting facts. Concerned as the Government, with particular objectives of its policy, interested the problem of other fraternal countries, providing them with capital, from an income which is all Venezuelans and not distribute it equitably in favour of the country, with regard to education, health, housing, employment. The Government must locate on their national reality and invest with their income, product of oil revenues, strengthen these weaknesses that for years has been experiencing a country that has everything to be a great power that guarantees a quality of life that the Venezuelan is deserving and entitled. We are not opposed to the changes, we consider that it is necessary to transform the country, giving priority to those injustices have been committed throughout its history and even by the previous Governments, who have also neglected the education, We oppose the way of managing the changes that affect relevant aspects for their development as the education that concerns us, because in it we have lived together for years, as actors, teaching that we have contributed with our expertise in providing the necessary to form professionals able to interpret the challenges and generate transformations that give passage to new, committed.We oppose in the way how the Government handles their strategies, actions that handicaps education and his achievements at all levels, especially that involves us, universities.

Biography Of Anaxagoras

Anaxagoras (499 428 a.C) was born in clazomene (c. minor) and be directed to Athens in the 453. Linked by friendship and political adherence to Pericles. He was accused for impiety by his enemies and was forced to leave the city in the 434. Died at lampsacus. Anaxagoras was according to Diogenes Laercio, was the first to the marteria, added intelligence. The Ionian tradition is renewed in Anaxagoras, in whose opinion nothing is begets nor destroyed, but there simple mixing and separation.

The fundamental question of the pre-Socratic philosophy. The interrogation to be permanent with a view to explaining what is happening and change. It is resolved by Anaxagoras not using the assumption of a single principle or the assertion that only the being is. the more fine and pure of all things the nous is so the top of the order but also the principle of animation and individualization of things that constitute the order harmonic of the universe, more the nous produces the order in a way intended always. Not as a destination, but as a force. Mechanics that develops from its own centre, that is, the center of his movement in whirlwind the nous is therefore, first movement, but a movement that stretches almost blindly, because it is animation rather than fulfillment of necessary justice. So says Aristotle that the thought of Anaxagoras lacks clarity.

Because although explains the traffic chaos to the order as an intervention in confusing and mix of the pure and without mixing, he explains without justifying the purpose of this spirit pure and universal at the same time. The perception of things is, according to Anaxagoras, by the feeling of the differences between our senses and external objects. Things are perceived by their opposites; If there is an impossibility of capturing reality in their minimal parts, this is due only to the inadequacy of the sensory organs that on the other hand, reflect exactly what makes contact with them.

Cesar Vallejo University

We must place on record that in one Master’s degree or doctorate in law not all languages can be studied from a point of view legal, but only in very elementary form, therefore, it is clear that we must study how studies to part, to effect to make comparative law also with regard to right of countries in which it is spoken foreign languages, as they are by the way those mentioned previously. We note that dictates the professional career of languages, which we consider that it should be studied in order to right compared with all the advantage that may be necessary, however, few have taken into account these studies, and in any case it is clear that we do not know of any Peruvian survey who has studied this career in Cesar Vallejo University in Lima, therefore, must put on record that the market be free so that young lawyers can start their studies in this subject. It is necessary to put on record that the world not languages are spoken only two as would be by the way the English and the Spanish, which must be subject of study by writers, and even languages may be matter of comparison. I.e., this topic is very extensive, so it is clear that we must take into account in order to understand the comparative, e.g. law if we compare the Chinese and German with Italian law, or when we want to study that family legal belongs to Japan and China to. Comparative law is the discipline legal in which language technicians have greater importance, which should be a matter of study by writers. I.e. not only enough to know the languages but also must master is the language from a point of view or juridical approach, e.g. English law or French law, German law, Chinese law, Japanese law, Brazilian law, Portuguese legal, among other cases.

Venezuelan Knowledge

The wise man is one who keeps his lucid and clear reason and sees things as they really are. He listens to this advice: life is a challenge, meet it!. Life is love share it!. Life is a dream do it!. Life is a game, play it! Sathya Sai baba live a moment wherein are manifested many convulsions in the political, economic, technological, cultural, with a great dynamic in scenarios where they interact, scenarios that increasingly become turbulent, agitated, challenging, requiring professionals well trained, trained according to the requirements of the present and where the universities must play their role with training, formation of committed professionals in contributing changes, transformations necessary to ensure positive results. In the Venezuelan case which concerns us, more than ever, in the here and now, it is necessary to have universities that ensure academic excellence, that rescue the decay suffered in the last years in her scholarship, research, result of its abandonment, participation, commitment to the big challenges that are emerging, with current President teniente coronel Hugo Chavez management in the country cold.

Today more that ever before, universities should appear with a more dynamic, committed, role which incidentally to proposals, opinions, knowledge favouring the country in the main problems it faces, in the cultural, economic, technical, social health and education. They must commit themselves to provide through a good academic background with knowledge up-to-date, professional able to meet that demand, that is required in order to cope with the effects of a turbulent scenario, international competition, technological development, political instability, and all the challenges that arise from the current global reality. To commit themselves to the authorities responsible for the educational management in the universities they have to rethink the way how it should operate universities in the present, as shaping the leaders of tomorrow, who will be in charge of directing the country, providing what represents the self-esteem, assertiveness, the commitment form according to requirements that all disciplines have generated towards knowledge adapted to current needs.

Regional Faculty

b-) what kind of movement has on the stretch t2 t4. (c) what kind of movement has on the stretch t4 t5. d-) what kind of movement has on the stretch t6 t8. 2 Mention Newton’s laws. 3. How we calculate the speed of a body of mass 3 kg, is known that it interacts with another body of mass 1.5 kg that comes with constant speed of 3 m/s. 4 – represents the motion of a body that oscillates in a graph of X with respect to t 5 – enter the equation for calculating the electrical resistance in a circuit. Pedagogic test applied to students of 12th grade from ESPA Julio Diaz Gonzalez of the municipality of Artemis and students of 3rd year of the IPI Abel Santamaria square of the municipality of Bauta.

A recitation of Newton’s laws. As we calculate the speed of a body of mass 6 kg, is known that it interacts with another body of mass 3 kg which comes with constant speed of 8 m/s. What law of physics applies in this case. Represents the motion of a body that oscillates in a graph of X with respect to T, and then type the equation describing the motion. What is electrical power.

There are many types of electrical current transformers. What is the operating principle. Diagnostic test applied to students of 2nd year of the school of computer science in the Regional Faculty of the martyrs of Artemis. The table contains values for distance and time. Construct the graph X (t). T (s) X (m) 0 0 1 4 2 8 3 6 4 2 5 2 6 6 7 10.8 8 18.4 a-) what kind of movement has on the stretch t0 t2. b-) what kind of movement has on the stretch t2 t4. (c) what kind of movement has on the stretch t4 t5.

Invalidity Of The Social Security By Lupus Erythematosus

Lupus Eratosthenes is a chronic and systemic disease that affects the nervous system and is characterized by damage muscles and joints, and may also give rise to injury in certain organs (such as liver, kidneys, or lungs), and very characteristically, redness in the skin, both in face and in other areas of the body. It mainly affects women, in a ratio of 9 to 1 with respect to men. The causes by which develops this pathology, which has its origin in the formation of antibodies, they are unknown at present, although it was determined the existence of a certain relationship between sunlight and the same, because many of those suffering from it showed previously photosensitivity to ultraviolet rays. Are also suspected over a possible linkage of genetic type with the same, and in the case of women, comes to consider that your hormone production of estrogen could find largely behind it, being the reason for its increased incidence..