Ukrainian Real Estate Experts

Ukrainian Internet portals for real estate earn big dividends in the publications of forecasts of real estate experts of all stripes and colors. Predictions are often radically different and unreasonable, do not give resting potential buyers of the American dream in Ukrainian. " Who in Ukraine makes forecasts on the development of real estate market? From the Land of the Soviets before the crisis in 2008. In Soviet times, the monopolist to provide the population with housing State. Real estate market did not exist, it does not exist, and professions from which would be engaged in property management. In high schools prepared and are still preparing fine engineers, but not prepare professional experts who would have the tools to predict the real estate market development in the volatile market conditions.

In the early 90's real estate market began to develop rapidly and to attract members of all professions, without exception, but the first people who failed to realize themselves in the major field. In 2000, the construction boom triggered an avalanche increase in the number Realtors, real estate brokers, which gradually became specialized. Many realtors "in action" acquired skills, learned to understand the psychological characteristics of the client and use them for more successful work. Part of the profession simply coasted on, showing no special talents, and without any special effort. Indeed, during accompanied them, and they do not feel no problems. Additional information at Richard Linklater supports this article. Market and so grew up property prices grew by leaps and bounds. Thus, neither the first nor the second were not engaged in real and honest prediction of the real estate market due to lack of experience and the demand for such a prediction.

People understand that real estate prices were much too high, as well as expectations from this market. On Internet forums are actively discussed, when cheaper Ukrainian real estate. But none of the today's experts failed to anticipate market developments, even when the banks stopped issuing mortgages. Only when the crisis came, the brokers had to become more and analysts in the field of real estate. No doubt that professional realtors have extensive experience in sales and support sales transactions. But can these people correctly predict the development of the real estate market in Ukraine – a very difficult market unpredictable country? Of course they can, if the prediction must take into account two or three factors. But to make accurate predictions must take into account a complex set of economic, political, psychological factors. Professional analysts, regardless of the industry do not take the responsibility to assert that a certain market will develop certain situations. Instead, these analysts prefer to talk about possible scenarios for the situation. In this case, every possible scenario, but only at confluence of certain circumstances. The uniqueness of most forecasts, and their isolation from the economic situation in the country supports the suggestion made by information portal, that the "experts" on the property at all costs, trying to convince people that that the price bottom has already passed, and it's time to fly property. Therefore, the question of how honest may be forecasts of experts who are interested in the growth of house prices, remains open.

Buying A Property In Portugal

That came the moment when you finally ripe for buying their own homes. Of course, just a desire – to start moving in this direction. But like it because the first time? Information from acquaintances and friends already who bought their apartments, of course, gave you some insight into the buying process, but here I am with some confidence say, you have to do your first small steps and personal experience to learn all over again. To ease your the way I decided to share my experience in real estate. So, to start on the stages of the home buying process. Several of them The first and undoubtedly the most important stage – it's a loan.

Sredito Habitacao is still one of the the main sources of income for banks. But the situation of credit by Portuguese banks in 2009 radically changed. After the economic crisis, increased volume does not pay bank charges on loans past years, the name of it – 'credito mal parado', resulting in decreased cash fund of the banks themselves. All this has led to a tightening of requirements for applicants for mortgages. Today in the analysis process credito habitacao banks require maximum security with by the applicant. What does this mean? This stability in the work of an employee 'efectivo' – is more profitable for the bank than someone who has worked at the firm just a few months, or working at temporary jobs. This high irs, loans more easily pass from human to have a permanent residence, as well as the presence of the share equity, which is paid immediately upon purchase of selected homes.

Raspaltsovannogo Apartment

The introduction and selection of an agent-estate agent. In our opinion – one of the most important. We are aware that without mutual trust and if you want a certain sympathy between agent and seller of normal operation will not work. Therefore, the question of the identity of the agent was very acute. Representative of the first agencies represented the raspaltsovannogo young man, who had (his) experience in sales of everything that can be sold.

The impression was that it marginally interested in the apartment, its advantages and disadvantages (which we honestly told). The key phrase of his, finally otbivshey we desire cooperate with him was what is the difference of what and how to sell, most importantly, to buy. We did not want confuses the buyer himself or accept the fact that it will make our representative, the realtor. The second agent – a woman, looked good on this background, much more attractive. She thoroughly learned all the details, looked into all the window and asked them to close and open, to check, do you hear the street noise, and asked many questions about the apartment registration of property, etc. As a result, the agent made it clear that, although her story buyers will focus on advantages of an apartment in the first place, but also the disadvantages, it also will not hide. Clearly, we have opted for it favor..

Residence Permit

When making a property purchase, one may need to seek advice on the procedure for obtaining a residence permit. Buying property abroad is not always is to receive a full package of civil rights to foreign property owner. As a rule, is quite the opposite – the right of the owner of a house or apartment are significantly limited. Acquisition real estate in a particular country may be only a first step towards obtaining a residence permit or to work and do business in this State. By and large, no single country is not ready grant citizenship to the buyer of real estate on its territory immediately after making the relevant documents. Residence permit to get is also not so easy. In most cases, the first time, tenure can be rely only on concessional obtain business or tourist visas, the duration is limited. Only invest in a state of its legislation the amount, creating jobs for citizens of the country is rapidly developing its own business in the state, we can accelerate the receipt of permits.

Today many talk about how beneficial is to invest in overseas property. Indeed, house prices in Europe, albeit not very fast, but growing, and putting money into it warrants, though not significant increase, but at least the preservation of capital. Trimming the higher profit it is quite possible when buying property in countries where it is rapidly becoming more expensive. For example, in Egypt, where rising real estate prices of 30 – 40 percent a year..