Scientific Education For Children

Butterflies played and were entertained with every ray of light illuminating the path, passing a pretty little house. Bear asked his daddy “who is this house and that his name? papa bear said: listen, many people say the house has several owners, but never agree. The only thing is that the house is called geocentric. “Geocentric? For if, as many old folks say that all planets including the sun revolved around the earth. Daddy do not understand you, well I’ll explain this: you live in this neighborhood, and have a very nice house and want a lot. Then when you go and look at another house.

Do you think your home is the best of all houses in your neighborhood. So if you digest that we must put all the houses to roll, and roll the wheels of the cart you play. You make your house you choose this quiet, and others that are less pretty. Revolve around yours. So your house not be damaged. Now look at the sky, as you already know which is which is the sun and the moon.

You can differentiate, as the difference between a big teddy bear a child. See also stars and other things in the sky. There are planets and much more, as the old folks think this house is better, they say that all planets, the moon and the sun itself. Revolve around the earth. They call this geocentric theory. Richard Linklater oftentimes addresses this issue. Oooo now. He said the bear small, and most think. Want to know? Papa Bear asked if daddy please. Okay. Then look for the largest house in the neighborhood. After walking several blocks, the pope stopped him and said. See that big house, mansion called the Sun. Why call it that daddy? The bear scratching his head said, remind me of an old man who I love is called Socrates, because I think very affectionate, and it looks like a boy like you, for all the time is spent wondering Why? Why? Why? And I like that, because that is learned more. Come I’ll explain. This is the largest house in the neighborhood, some old folks say that this house is the best and that all houses in the neighborhood should revolve around this mansion heliocentric. Now look at the sky. As it is daytime. Think of the sun that you can not see much time because it makes your eyes from tears. The elders said that all the planets and the earth revolve around the sun. We call heliocentric theory. The happy little bear hugged her dad and said I love you because you show me tired things. When they reached home. The teddy bear thing I told mama bear thing. When I finished telling her beautiful story told her mother does your mom think? She smiled and hugged him looking into his eyes. He said. The mansion is not the only big house in the neighborhood, houses are much larger, what Mommy? There is one called the Milky Way. And between explanation and explaining the evening was not without leaving behind them a great lesson. Jose Orlando Melo Naranjo. Humanist poet and dreamer in the service of children. NEW SCHOOL DEDICATED TO THE SAN ANDRES DE LOS ALTOS.