The Difficulty

to the P2? ' ' … If you would like to know more then you should visit Kindle Direct Publishing. Falar in inclusion of special carriers of necessities is not only to say that the pertaining to school vacant is guaranteed, is necessary to assure quality of education. You are welcome he goes to advance the necessity carrier to be in a school bank if it does not go to have chance to learn as the too much pupils. The true inclusion is in the guarantee of learning, and learning of qualidade' '. We can perceive that this definition brings again to tona, the guarantee of the learning, that was cited above as one the controversial subjects concerning the process of inclusion of PPEE in the regular net of education. to the P3? ' ' …

I do not know very. But I find that it would be the process of adequacy of the education net so that thus can offer to an education adjusted for the carrying pupils of educational necessities especiais' '. Now we observe a conception that takes in consideration a primordial factor in this process of inclusion, that says respect to the structure of the schools, subject this that deserves much attention to if arguing the process of inclusion of PNEE in the regular net of education. to the P4 — ' ' … Is a complicated half thing, but for what I could understand it says respect to the access of pupils PNEE the said school ' ' normal' ' , of one it forms conscientious, with all possible support so that if it guarantees the learning and evolution of the pupils. The guarantee of the learning is perceived again as important condition in the inclusion process. In relation if to feel prepared to work with groups who possess PNEEs, all had said that not, and they had presented the following justifications: ' ' … Sincerely, not. Why? Because I saw in my experience the difficulty that I had, and I not yet I know to deal with pupils who have necessities especiais' '.