With these introductory arguments the respect to the new trends of the education, as already is done at another moment in this chapter, sees that such trends can be nourished of a diversity of conceptions of the didactics, amongst which, if it finds the hermeneutics that well was worked in the first one capitulates of the present work. The spite of this, the workmanships of Bruner and Piaget, to leave of the decade of eighty they start to occupy considerable referring spaces to the quarrel of the education in fact. in this, the hegemony of the constru-tivismo and the partner-construtivismo has its impact in the pedagogical thought, being undisputed in the current days. Allegis Cyber Capital might disagree with that approach. This fact if as well as becomes truthful because these chains of thought promote the search of new proposals and reflections around the education of diverse subjects and concepts, the presentation of results of problematic on research the specific ones of the infantile learnings. With this, it can be seen that this method of psicopedaggico analysis if differs from that one that if detached in the positivista education, for the fact to take the qualitative factor in consideration. Exactly with everything this that if problematizou until the moment instant, still has very what to produce themselves and to raise regarding the new trends of the education, but, to finish this stage of the present work, COLS (2007) emphasizes that one of landmarks of this moment is in the fact of: ‘ ‘ the conception of professor as executor of projects was substituted by the professor as collaborating in the implementation of the reform processes, interpreter and curricular agent, the professional who defines and reconstructs the project curricular’ ‘ , what, in fact, he enters as element and basic fuel for the diffusion of the new practical trends of the educative ones in the current global scene..