The complicity between social sciences and human beings, with prominence for the philosophies social, politics and of the education and for said sciences positive or exactas is an inevitability that must cement the formation of this new citizen, without if it demands to it that it has to assume itself as philosopher, educator, professor, scientist or technician. It is important that it is sensetized to interiorizar and to lead to practical the one projecto of relationship, optimum possible, with those domnios of ' ' Know-to be, Know-to be and Know; ' , better to understand and to exert its duties and rights, in a society onslaught of the dignity conditions, that attend all its constituent elements, since soon Man-Citizen, in deep communion with the nature and God. To know more about this subject visit David G. DeWalt. Appositive fortssima, that it is placed currently, can pass for the recognition, descomplexado, how much to the necessity to consider the Philosophy and Sciences of the Education as more two of the levels of the knowledge, that matters to include with an unequivocally significant dimension, in the pertaining to school, at every level resumes of education and professional formation. With effect: if on the other hand, if it knows the problematic one that it involves the educative and formative systems; on the other hand, some incapacity is well-known many families to give a bigger support to its educandos, for reasons several and that also they are identified: the necessity of the couple to outside work of its area of residence, delivering the children to the cares of the proper establishments for each age; the one that increases one another set of factors that modify and provoke deep changes in the habits, public opinion and mentalities, that hinder the parents to have a more active intervention and profcua next to its children: ' ' Today each more arduous time for the parents becomes the task to guide the children for some stages of its life.