The Origin Of The Social Sciences Philosophy

Introduction. The origin of social science dating back almost to Aristotle's work Politics, where he established socio-political analysis and established a classification of forms of government that had a direct influence on later writers such as Cicero, Machiavelli and Montesquieu among others. Social science is also indebted to the Greek philosopher, for having coined the method of logical formulation of scientific propositions. Just simply go to their treatises on logic to verify the debt. Within its "Organon" posed a logical deduction scheme laying the foundations of scientific rationality. With the use of syllogisms was possible to draw specific conclusions from general statements. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Vladislav Doronin.

But perhaps the most important contribution of Aristotle, has been his sense of scientific rigor and the pursuit of empirical data as a basis of knowledge. His epistemology can be subsumed in that famous phrase "All knowledge comes from the senses. " This philosophy was crucial for the development of scientific knowledge in the course later (Zagal, 2005: 55). The field of social sciences is no exception, given that during the process of separating the natural sciences and philosophy, seeking to base their independence through the creation of a mechanism allowing it to generalize the assumptions of his theories, being the Aristotelian models essential to solve this scientific rigor. Social science is indebted to the Aristotelian inquisitive mind, since only through the certainty and adherence to the reality of the facts he was able to reclaim their autonomy in the natural sciences. This process, however, that began with authors such as Montesquieu and Comte, even today continues to be subject to debate, not only by thinkers in the field of natural sciences, who put into question the scope of the thesis social and its most essential provisions, such as those purely instrumental: its concepts and definitions (Sokal and Bricmont, 1999: 14), but more and more social scientists who are testing the theoretical foundations for the sake of gaining social certainty and universality.