Questions in the study, however presented, has as objective generality to identify the main ones you arrive in port theoretical and metodolgicos, concepts, authors, philosophical chains that base the pedagogical proposals for the infantile education. For the collection of data and organization of the syntheses, a exploratrio study of the set of contents contained in books of the course in vigor of pedagogia and extracted of other books and other ways of research was effected initially having base in this subject. The norteador problem of the present study had its origin in the comment practises of them pedagogical in institution of education of infantile education and the evidenced particular questions daily serve of direction for the construction of this inquiry. We have as also objective this document to guarantee an infancy for our children full of the experience of rights. For in such a way, the Education is understood in its liberating dimension, creative, participativa, inclusive and democratic.
It is also, a process that if makes in the interaction with the other, mediated for the culture. In this manner, our apia work if in studies and research of authors: Vygotsky with its cultural partner-historical theory, Jean Piaget with the construtivista theory and Henri Wallon with the theory integrator (motor – affective – cognitivo) that they had contributed for one better understanding of the process of constitution of citizens, its development and its construction of knowledge. The studies of these authors have given theoretical sustentation in our work and assisting in the understanding of the infantile development. Consequently, ours you practise pedagogical will contemplate the playful one, the culture, the formation human being and the construction of knowledge of the children. What it takes in to desire them to the construction of an inclusive resume with all the pertaining to school community. Our challenge is to construct a pertaining to school environment in the infantile Education that favors the respect, the cooperation, solidarity, the autonomy, the inclusion, the right to play, the manifestation and the valuation of the cultural, social and ethnic plurality between the adults who act with the children and to promote the development integral of the child, having as I begin the rescue of the human values, so that it constructs its intellectual autonomy, affective, moral and social. The present study it understands that the epistemolgica perspective of construction of the knowledge can allow the recognition practises of them educative effective, that is pautadas, with priority, in the reproduction of the curricular contents, as well as indicating coherent metodolgicos ways with the construction of the knowledge of the pupil. By means of beddings theoretical piagetianos, that guides its research with the concern to understand of that it forms occurs the ticket of the knowledge of inferior level for a superior, is possible to understand the process of intellectual development of the citizen. The research of Piaget culminates with the construtivista theory, aiming at to show that the knowledge it is constructed individually, in collective situation, by means of the action, in the interaction citizen-object.