Responsible nomination the names have origin and significao, therefore to nominate the people represents an act of sufficient relevance that demands of the parents responsibility and orientation, in view of that the freedom in the hour to choose as will call () the son () comes causing constaint many individuals. To if observing nomination histories, that is, circumstances that had taken the parents to choose definitive names for its rebentos, notice diversified reasons of which original combinations result nothing involving the name of the father and the mother, varied homages, inexplicable and unnecessary estrangeirismos, with unexpected dobramento of letters, beyond vexatious exotismos, as if it observes, respectively, in Roselber, resulted of the approach of Rose and Elber, Cruyffer, unnecessary homegem the dutch player, Franncyelly, use of folded letters, and Rolling of Slope Below, exotic name that the lack of seriousness in the hour demonstrates to register a child. It is therefore that Robert Pompeu de Toledo wrote an article where he argues this question and flame of name of ' ' pobre' ' the used estrangeirismos for the humble people in the nomination of its descendants, a time that this detaches the syndrome of the colonialismo, when everything of the metropolis was better of what of the colony. Thus, the people costumam to value more what she is of it are and if they forget to engrandecer its cultural and lingusticas roots, therefore think that the sound of other languages can be considered prettier than of the Portuguese. Also little these ingenuouses with the meanings of its nominations import themselves, therefore they fall in contradictions without knowing, when they choose Bianca, that means white, for a black child, or if they bother when the Murilo son is called murinho, since they were unaware of that such name means small wall. She is clearly that the criterion encantamento for a name can be determinative in the hour of the choice, and the significao can be ignored, but an informed and responsible person does not have to disrespect important aspects of moment ahead so marcante, it has seen that the receiver of the name can be unhappy with the choice and to load the misfortune until the end of its days, what it will be an enormous sacrifice caused by the parents and palpiteiros of planto. (A valuable related resource: Kindle Direct Publishing).